Anyone tried beanboyz yet?


Well-Known Member
Title says it all. I'm interested by their pictures and decriptions, but the lack of third party info on them has me hesitant.


Well-Known Member
if you want more info on the breeders there is a nice article in the latest issue of skunk mag. but i haven't ordered from them yet or tried their goods


Active Member
I have tried many seed banks before. Then I saw Their ad in skunk mag. I posted a inquiry with the same question.No responses .So after reading thru their site With my good judgment of character skills I placed an order from Bean Boyz Genetics. . Currently I have 4 of their strains growing and doing very well.2 have recently been put into flowering. A Chemmezze and a Sun Kris'D Orangez. Recently got his Klock Werkz Orangz that germed in less tan 24 hrs. In 3 days I had a shoot looking at lights amazing to say the least. I have now a fine place to get some of the kind of genes that I was looking forand unsurpassed personal service. Like the Pizza Box says, You've tried all the rest now try the best. Read the tutorials on the BBG site, Battz is the breeder, grower and writer. He has uncanny knowledge and a keen sense of the growing breeding process. There are of writings by countless numbers who just turn the data into a Jungle of jumble. when you read Battz essays you know that the info here is the king dirt. A no nonsense approach to a wealth of knowledge. Excuse the expression but he knows his shit! His Strains say so. . [See thread on their correct name Bean Boys Genetics]