Anyone tried EZ-gro kit from Homestead?

Hi folks, I would just like to respond to some of the misinformation and misunderstanding about the Homestead EZ Gro Mushroomkit that I have read in this thread. First of all, to the guy who says he never received his order, I want to thank Kassidy for pointing out that a simple phone call or email to us would have straightened out the matter. I cannot tell you how many times UPS has returned an order to us undelivered because somebody gave a bad address, or perhaps used a name that didn't exist. Usually the people phone us and we send it back out to them, but other times I guess the person who ordered would rather complain publicly that he was ripped off.

The truth of the matter is that many people either cannot or do not want to deal with all the sterilization that is required to do it yourself. For these people it is worth the extra money to get a kit that is already sterilized, has the finest quality spores, plus includes some really good compost that is unavailable to the average person. In addition, as some of your posters pointed out, once you buy the kit you are eligible to get a refill at a large discount.

Another untruth that has been posted was that you get only one flush. This is simply not true. With the EZ Gro Kit you get anywhere from 3 to 5 flushes.

We have been doing this since 1972 and have an honorable reputation. As a company we distribute High Times Magazine and many others, as well as all the marijuana growing books, and a great variety of countercultural publications. We have also published many books. We have a toll-free phone number and we also publish our email address. So there is no excuse to not get in touch with us if you have any questions or problems. Many people try to phone us at Saturday night around midnight when we are not at work. Try calling us during normal business hours, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.

When you do phone us, please limit your questions to matters of growing and not about getting high.

Finally, yes we do ship to California and every other state.

Thank you for the opportunity to tell the truth about the Homestead EZ Gro Kit.


I can't believe you guys are still arround! I bought what? Philosophers stone or something like that, a print from you guys in the early seventies. I recommended your early kits. I'm with stamets now but only because we have a relationshio

guys, homestead is a standup, first class place.

I don't say that lightly.
Bummer :( I have 4 bags of compost and 1 rye pack. What do u think the best way to get the most out of my supplies? Im not lazy or trying to do this for $ im simply into growing my own products. Could I dump all the compost into a big tub and use my rye pack like that? Or can that contaminate also? Im a total noob on this. My plan was to do the ez grow kit. Study the process and repeat with the spoors I cultivated from my grow. But ive had one rye pack lost to incompetence, and the other to a mouse. I know have 1 3lb bag of compost, 1 5lb bag of compost. And a refill on the way which I assume is 3lbs as well. Any help would be appreciated. Pluss id just like to add Jane and company at Homestead book co. Are fantastic. Shipping is fast and legit. All this dumb shit was completely my own ignorance. They have even hooked me up to try and help me salvage something from this. Which is why im waiting on another bag of compost, and my last rye pack that they blessed me with. Love and light to you all. Thanks for any help or support Namaste yo.
I just saw the original post, not the replies and I'm sure someone has already said this, but don't waste your money on those kits. They may work fine, I have no idea, but cultivating certain species of psilcoybes is easier than you can imagine. I see a mention of there grab a cubensis (any maybe even a galindoi, sclerotia is fool proof and galindoi fruits easier than mexicana or tamp) syringe of your choice (koh samui is a great starter), buy a pressure cooker for 30 dollars from wal-mart and some canning jars. Expect some contamination your first time, but check out the and do some reading, I promise it's easy as pie.

It's an amazing hobby, I've been growing for over 10 years (birthed my first casing at 15 years old...). You'll love it. When you move up to some of the more difficult species and strain isolation on agar it's a blast.
I just saw the original post, not the replies and I'm sure someone has already said this, but don't waste your money on those kits. They may work fine, I have no idea, but cultivating certain species of psilcoybes is easier than you can imagine. I see a mention of there grab a cubensis (any maybe even a galindoi, sclerotia is fool proof and galindoi fruits easier than mexicana or tamp) syringe of your choice (koh samui is a great starter), buy a pressure cooker for 30 dollars from wal-mart and some canning jars. Expect some contamination your first time, but check out the and do some reading, I promise it's easy as pie.

It's an amazing hobby, I've been growing for over 10 years (birthed my first casing at 15 years old...). You'll love it. When you move up to some of the more difficult species and strain isolation on agar it's a blast.

I just had a meal of all home grown mushrooms, it is a blast, and a feast
Consuming sacred fungus that you yourself have cultivated is far superior to eating some bought off the street. If you have a few Ps. cubensis grows under your belt give panaleous a shot, totally different experience!

Now get to extracting some DMT and you'll be set!
oysters and shaggies, fresh butter, a touch of truffle oil over home made pasta, cracked pepper and the slightest hint of well aged parmesan.

it was delightful. the zin was too much though.

leftovers on toast this morning I think.
Hello Canndo. I was following some of your post regarding tissue culture dated a couple years ago. Glad I found you and you're still around.
I am curious about the outcome of the TC's. You seemed to have the process down. If you are still interested in cannabis TC's I would like to talk with you.
Are you in the U.S.? I live in Colorado. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello Canndo. I was following some of your post regarding tissue culture dated a couple years ago. Glad I found you and you're still around.
I am curious about the outcome of the TC's. You seemed to have the process down. If you are still interested in cannabis TC's I would like to talk with you.
Are you in the U.S.? I live in Colorado. Looking forward to hearing from you.

I am still involved, pretty much waiting for more widespread legalization
I have a kit, the mycelium stage in the rye berries went well. It was a solid block of white in 3 weeks. It has now been 3 weeks since I put it into the compost and I am only seeing slight growth of the white stuff. It is winter here and the first 10 days or so it was probably only about 70 degrees in the room. I now keep it at about 75-77. Is the light from two windows too much? Neither window ever has direct sunshine and the bag is at least 4 feet from either. Do I need to close the blinds some or is everything ok and I just need to be patient?
I bought a 5 gal bucket and a seed starting mat (heated) put my mixed compost and rice down in the bucket and the mat under the bucket. Worked like magic. Got 3 good flushes from 1 kit. All in all was a good experience nice yield and decent potency. Enjoy
I bought a 5 gal bucket and a seed starting mat (heated) put my mixed compost and rice down in the bucket and the mat under the bucket. Worked like magic. Got 3 good flushes from 1 kit. All in all was a good experience nice yield and decent potency. Enjoy
Did you empty the compost into the bucket or just set the bag down in the bucket?
I've got one going right now. Was just getting ready to start a thread and ask a couple questions. As for the kit, don't know if it is a good value, but couldn't have been any simpler to do. Took about 6-7 weeks for the rye pack to take off. Now two weeks into the compost and I see small mushrooms growing everywhere. We'll see.
I have one going on myself, took 2 weeks in rye pack, now in the compost, my question is do you keep it in the dark or in nondirect light during the day and if you do what about house lights at night or should I put compost bag in cupboard at night