Anyone try Coast of Maine products?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for a more local alternative to say Fox Farm's Ocean Forest.

Coast of Maine does sell some composts made out of lobster and crab meats along with earthworm castings. They have several blends. I'm not sure of the ph's. One was indicated as an acid plant loving blend. That's would not be good.

Some of the composts are sold separately so I'm toying with the idea of creating my own blend. Other ingredients could be added.

Their products would very much be a local market(NE). So I'd only expect a New Englander to have heard of them if anyone heard of them at all. So if anyone has used them, how well did they do?
i'd go for it ...if your near a cannery grab some scrap from them if your gonna mix your own's cheap and works..just a thought...
I'm not exactly near them but 2 states over distributing is a whole lot different(I think) than the other side of the country. I mean really what percentage of Ocean Forest is peat moss? I have to think most of it. It's got some forest compost which I think is a fancy way of saying leaf compost. Don't get me wrong leaf compost is excellent. I cover my garden each year with leaves. They add tons or organic matter and create an environment where earthworms and other beneficial things flourish in the soil. Oh and it's got bat guano. I think I could add bat guano. My biggest concern is ph. It can take a bit to adjust. I've got some questions for the company. Organic composts are kind of hard to find living in a city. It's miracle grow, miracle grow. The Lowes and Home Depot put nurseries out of business. I'm hoping I just found a place 3 or 4 miles away that sells some nice compost. I expect it might be expensive though.
we use coast of maine's potting soil and find it works out great. also used FFOF and love that as well. COM has several varieties out there and like the one with mussel shells and other stuff in it.