Anyone use Seedsman CBD Shark Shock


Active Member
I see they have Seedsman CBD Shark Shock Feminised Seeds - Bulk x 100 for a little over $100. Since I'm just starting out, I was thinking of buying that as a bulk purchase, so I'd have a bunch I could screw up if necessary for low cost, while still being able to utilize it should they grow well. So is that a good deal? Anyone use it, if so, how was it? (I understand the difference between CBD, THC, etc)

I ordered from Seedsman on the 4th and here it is the 23rd and still no package. They are now located in Spain...I hope they don't have a employee with sticky fingers.
Lion-O, I know you are just starting out so I am going to give you some advice that will really help you out if you listen to it, and even if you don't in the future you will realize what I am about to say. When I was starting out I felt the same way, more beans is better. But it is a waste of time growing out mediocre or worse plants when you can grow out some fire plants for the same effort. Those Shark Shock CBD are probably about the worst choice you could get in my opinions.. I had a few of those I got as freebies that I gave away. When you consider the time and effort, and money it costs for nutrients, electricity, soil, etc you will realize that $5-10 per seed is worth it to have something MUCH better then whatever is cheapest. Lets say you grow out a seed that costs $1, by the time it is done lets say you only get 2 oz out of it because your growing small plants, even that 2oz would you rather have paid an extra $5 or so in the beginning and had something that is twice as good as what you have.. or are you content with saving the $5 or so and having 2 oz that aren't even half as good as the other stuff you could have grown? It'd be different if good seeds were like $100 each but they aren't. And even then they'd still be worth it.

I don't know if I am doing a good job of explaining myself here.. but basically what I am trying to say is don't waste your time on crap plants just because you got the seed for cheap/free. Put in that initial $5-10 for a good seed to start with and enjoy the rewards at the end. It isn't any more effort, or work to grow a good plant over a mediocre one. You will still have the same costs in soil, electricity, nutes etc.. the only difference being the few bucks you spent on it in the beginning and it will for sure make up for it when it is done. If you are just wanting some seeds to try to learn how to germinate I guess I can understand this.. but you don't need a 100 of them and even if they germed I would toss them out.

I will give you a surefire way to get them to pop if they are any good - Get a paper towel and get it wet/ring it out so it isn't soaked. Fold it up and put the seed inside of it. Get some hydrogen peroxide in the spray bottle and spray just a tiny tiny bit on top of the paper towel so that it can get soaked into it and the seed. You don't need much at all, but this helps it pop. Then take that paper towel with the seed in it and put it in a plastic ziploc bag or plastic shopping bag with the top open.. and stick it on something warm but not hot like a router, or modem, or possibly even a cable box or any type of electrical device that gets slightly warmer then room temp but not hot. Also make sure this is in a dark spot. Luckily I had an old router that was junk so I have it plugged in and inside of a kitchen cabinet that I put the plastic bag/seed on top of. And every day or 2 check inside of it and squirt water if need be. Generally within 2 days mine have popped long tails and are ready to be planted..when you plant them make sure they aren't buried deep in the soil.. they almost don't even need any soil over them.. I just put a thin thin layer of dirt over the seed so it can't be seen but is so little it could almost be blown away. Heck if you need some seeds just to practice with don't you have a buddy or know someone that can get some bag seeds somewhere? Would almost be cheaper to go grab an 1/8th or 1/4 of mexican pressed pot and pick all the seeds out of it to practice with.
...if you're like a new noob, just start with a clone. once you can finish a clone, then you know you can spend money on a bean, knowing you can do the job.

if I had a 100 seeds: I would just throw them in a flower bed. forget about them for a month, then check on them lol.
Also Lion, I will give you a little bit of guidance as to what companies are the best. I don't know if you want to grow fem seeds only or not but if so then check out Humboldt Seed Organization and check out their Green Crack, Blue Dream, All of their Diesels, Purple trainwreck just to name a few of their bests. They are one of the best fem seed companies in my opinion. Also check out Female Seeds c99 , it is cheap and a great plant. If you don't mind growing regular seeds you will find that this is where you find the best of the best not because they are regs but because the best breeders usually don't use fem seeds.. check out Bodhi if you want the best and don't care to grow regular seeds.

I personally advice you to pick up a few seeds from HSO/Humboldt Seed Organization first and get the hang of growing with fems since you are new to this. Then after that pick up some regular seeds from Bodhi or one of the other great breeders.
Update Monday 25th of April..order came in. The stealth was different and effective...and somewhat bulky which may or may not cause package to sit in cus+oms (USC) longer.
Thanks everyone. I may just follow a tutorial and produce some seeds for myself when I find one tbat turns out well in the end. Growing white widow right now, 4 plants. Had some issues but they've come around. Not doing as good as others on here by a long shot but it's my 1st time.
Have you actually tried a high cbd strain? I have just didn't care for the high certainly glad I didn't buy 100 seeds. Lol, But that CBD Crew Yummy tasted so damn good just the high was lacking.
Have you actually tried a high cbd strain? I have just didn't care for the high certainly glad I didn't buy 100 seeds. Lol, But that CBD Crew Yummy tasted so damn good just the high was lacking.
First grow right now, White Widow. Never had any mj before.
My two cents...late to post but I ordered 10 white widow fems and got 10
Free ak47 fems. I was new, thought it was a good deal. They came and they popped. And they looked great. Got a half pound off 2 plants in soil with reflector hood 400 watts. Let go 9 weeks flower. But the high was really bad. So ....
The Single Seed Center changed my life. I can order from 1 to 10
Of almost any kind I want. The breeders are there as well as the info and is sent with breeder packs. I get my order to US from UK in 7 days! My G13 midnight Kush is looking and smelling fine at 3 weeks. Have an afghan kush auto about to pop from rapid rooter. Got another order on the way. Just check it out Man U won't regret it.