Anyone used Pro-XL Stop Grow?


Alright folks. Has anyone had any experience of using Pro-XL Stop Grow?
My Think Different autos are on week 6 today and are over 4 feet tall already!
At this rate I will run out of headroom, so I asked the guys at the local hydro shop if they had anything that could help. They gave me 2 3ml vials of Pro XL Stop Grow and said to mix it with Half a litre of water and spray during lights off over the top half of the plants leaves, and repeat once again 3-5 days later.
Is this stuff a type of PGR that I've heard bad things about? Smells like ass I know that!
Any info on this stuff would be great,
I wouldn't spray that stuff on my plants. You have no idea what's in it and they don't tell you. I would figure something else out like bending the tops of the plants over and tying them down. Tip the pots at an angle, etc...