Anyone using house and garden nutrients? what additives?


Active Member
I am really thinking about switching my nutrients from what they are now, an assortment of GH and Botonicare, to strictly house and garden products to simplify things and maybe improve results.

I am running and aero system and was planning on using the Aqua Flakes. I was wondering what of the additives are necessary and which ones to skip over? I have heard that the Roots excellorator and bud xl were must have components of the line, I have not heard much about the others.

looking forward to hearing about what has and has not worked.


New Member
im using shultz african violet liquid 8-14-9 from the home depot $3 and some change for my clones that i used half strength for first 2 weeks of flower in dwc then changed water and used full strength the other day and seen a big boost in roots in days. no where near hydro shop nutes but its cheap and works for me and unrelated i used home depot nutes for soil grow to and got some nice looking stuff


Well-Known Member
I use Alaska fish emulsion, Miracle grow general plant food and rose food. I mix it vigorously and keep the nutrient solution moving all the time.


Well-Known Member
aw I was hopeing to see something about house and garden on this thread..

I dont know about it bro but I think im also switching to the house and garden line. I gotta make the choice soon maybe tonight... im gonna keep an eye on this and look around for some other threads on it.


RIU Bulldog
Im using Van De Zwaan HNG,
I love it.
Roots Exceurator
Shooting powder
multi enzyme
bud xl

so far i love it and im using soil


Well-Known Member
I use the entire line...all of it and nothing more.

My yields jumped over 20% when I dumped out all my AN stuff (not really, gave it to a buddy who was a little strapped) and swapped out.

I've got a journal going now that shows all of it at work, but if you have specific questions, I'd be happy to help. Post them up here and I'll answer.


Active Member
Good to see some responses.

How can house of garden lead to shultz and miracle grow? oh well.

Southern weed, good to know, I'm going to mosey on over to your thread and check it out.


Active Member
I would never advise smoking miracle grow. I use aqua flakes a&b, root excell, drip clean, bud xl, top booster all would do well alone but I add cal-mag, protekt silica, b-1 blast off, mad farmerz nutz M.O.A.B(mother of all bloom) b'cuzz bloom stim, hydroplex, and sweet(original berry flavor). A lot of people call this a soup and say Im using too much but I see excellent redults. I recently tried swithing to AN connissuer line and even at half strength it burned my well rooted mothers. What a crock of shit AN is! I spend a lot of money but I get excellent results and I know my lungs wont suffer from no miracle grow BS. These pics are clones only 3 weeks old and seem to love the soup, so happy I am finaly getting results like this, only possible if nutrient temps are kept under 68 which is no easy or cheap task to do it right. I keep my nutrient reservoir in a seperate bathroom with a portable AC unit keeping it cold(63F)


Active Member
that is a ton of different nutrients to buy! I am glad you have found something that works for you.
I am hoping to adopt the less is more and use aqua flakes, along with roots excell and bud xl. I am also planning on using sweet.
I was hoping to avoid cal mag, but you would say it is still necessary?


Active Member
only need cal-mag if you are using RO filtered water with a 0ppm, tap water has mag and cal in it so if your using tap water dont add cal-mag. I think you will do 100% better with just H&G aqua flakes A&B, root excell, budd xl, also use topbooster, another great product that you only use for half a week. BTW I think liquid karma is almost the same as root excell, but not sure on that.


Active Member
Ok good, that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I am using tap water with a PPM of about 50, I still might need to run a bit of cal mag. We'll see if the plants need it. I heard similar things about Liquid Karma, and that it was superfluous with the other additives. I am going to make my nutrient order tonight.
What site's got the best prices on h+g? I'm going to start looking.


Active Member
Oh one more question, how much of the A+B solution do you use per gallon? is it really concentrated or less so?


Active Member
Ok good, that is exactly what I wanted to hear. I am using tap water with a PPM of about 50, I still might need to run a bit of cal mag. We'll see if the plants need it. I heard similar things about Liquid Karma, and that it was superfluous with the other additives. I am going to make my nutrient order tonight.
What site's got the best prices on h+g? I'm going to start looking.
Wow! you get tap water of 50 PPM? mines like 350ppm, you probably could use some cal mag but I wouldnt add it untill you see signs it need it.
I dont know best prices, I always pick nutes up in person but if you find a cheap site for H&G please tell me, if not everyone. Im tired of the hydro stores making rediculous amount of money and overcharging on everything. i bought my fans on ebay (exact ones at the grow store) S&P TD-150 inline fan and saved 120$ on each fan! and free shipping. I needed 4 of em so 480$ is a lot to save, thats another ballast and bulb! The UPS guy might look at you funny having a bunch of flood tables delivered to your house


New Member
i'd love to switch completely to h & g as well.
but, bontanicare has been very good to me.

in my nute tool kit, however, is h&g's multizyme.
once my clones bust nice roots, i hit a fresh rez change with multizyme.
when i change my rez at weeks end i take that mix & feed my plants in soil.

i use h&g, along with other suppliments, on a rotating schedule in my garden.

i know aqua flakes a+b is good stuff.
many people running "undercurrent" systems swear by it.