Anyone using JADAM/KNF?


Well-Known Member
I bought some 55gal plastic food storage barrels that I was collecting rainwater in, but this year, I decided to use 3 of them for JADAM and I made JLS. This smells so bad that I decided to use JADAM outside and KNF indoor. I don't really have any specific questions, I'm just curious if anyone else has exp doing this? Thanks!!!
I feel like the only person that grows their weeds out in their lawn. Seriously, I haven't mowed the grass in my backyard because I was growing out the weeds so that I could pick them. I was watching KNF videos on Youtube with Drake and he said that the best time to pick plants for KNF is at 2am, so that is exactly what I did here. I was picking weeds from 2:30-3:30am this morning. Anyways, I'm making JADAM Liquid Fertilizer(JLF) and I might try to save this batch for next summer. The book that I have says that JLF is better after a year. This is a 55gal drum and I bought 12 of them off of Craigslist. I'm not really sure what these weeds are, but they are fast growing and plentiful.
Drake is my homie, I've known him since we were kids. I think he mostly sticks to KNF now and not so much JADAM.
I'm still learning and I haven't even made it past the KNF certification course on YouTube. It just feels like I'm alone doing this most of the time and nobody understands what I'm doing. I made some FPJ out of a tomato plant 2yrs ago and it was the best thing that I have ever added to the water, so I was interested in diving deeper. However, most of the literature/lectures are in Korean. I feel like it's taking me too long to come around because I still haven't made any OHN or IMO4. It's good to know that you guys are out there! I've been following Hyroot's method over in the organic section which is basically a SIP with LABS and KNF/JADAM.
What is Jadam, an anaerobic extract? Just guessing if it stays in the barrel that long. I did a barrel of pond plants like that last year and worked it into my zucchini bed after it turned black and stinky. The growth this season is phenomenal, but I let it mellow over the winter before planting. Water hyacinth has a very high lignin content and two months in the barrel wasn’t quite enough to dissolve it. Nice chunky stuff that grows really fast and makes beautiful compost as well.

I have a low tech bokashi thing too. Kitchen waste goes into a plastic coffee can with a lid so it doesn’t stink. Alot of wets go in there, leftover coffee and grounds, and yoghurt whey (the liquid that gets dumped out) to innoculate it. After a few days the can is full and stuff is already turning to goo. It either goes in the compost heap or if I think a garden is too dry I bury it 18” deep one hole at a time over the winter. My gardens are in sand, it seems to make a subsurface muck bed that holds onto water and nutrients. It cooks a bit in the spring but really releases the nutrients when the ground heats up in the summer. Really I just want the stuff out of the house and into the garden with as little work as possible, and this method fits the bill.

The whole KNF thing I find fascinating however I think it really works best from a practical standpoint. The farmers who had this knowledge were really only working with what materials they had and problems they faced because they had too. I grow weeds up to use the biomass too. My grandma used to raise pigs off the weeds in her yard. I hear you about the raised eyebrows, that you did something useful with a weed.

I made some homemade tuna head emulsion this week. I use the anoxic methods for teas, just stirred 2x per day.
Water hyacinth has a very high lignin content
I wonder if this turns into humic acid like it does in compost. I heard in a podcast with Dr. Faust(BioAg) that lignin breaks down into humic acid in compost, but it's about a 2yr process. I don't know how different JADAM is from compost...
My gardens are in sand,
This is what I'm dealing with, sand and clay...
The whole KNF thing I find fascinating however I think it really works best from a practical standpoint. The farmers who had this knowledge were really only working with what materials they had and problems they faced because they had too. I grow weeds up to use the biomass too. My grandma used to raise pigs off the weeds in her yard. I hear you about the raised eyebrows, that you did something useful with a weed.
I get excited to think that I can make some of the best inputs without spending much money. I would like to use it in a commercial application soon, but I'm just a backyard farmer for now. Low overhead cost is very appealing though.
Ever hear of a fishkeepers “peat bomb”? If you filled a big pot with peat moss and slowly dripped tapwater into it, the water when collected out of the drain would have zero minerals or bicarbonate hardness. This is done to keep soft water fish like discus. I experimented with the process a bit and it works great. As a byproduct, the treated water dissolves humic and fulvic acids out of the peat moss.

Of course it would release much more over a much longer time if you just threw the peat moss on the soil and let it break down.

I get my humic substances out of a hardwood bush during the dryer parts of the year. In the low spots that collect leaves I rake the leaves away. The floor underneath will be pure humus with tree root tips growing right to the surface. I use a rake to scratch it away from all the roots and scoop it up with a snow shovel. Its dark, dark brown in colour, completely broken down, and pure organic matter. It gets mixed 1:1 with crushed rotted wood (probably a great lignin source). I put it on as mulch over a thin coat of manure and it just melts into the ground. Very bioactive stuff.
i have some FPJ but i may have used the wrong type of brown sugar cuz my stuff hasnt even really broken down n its been over 7 days...
i also have some rice wash almost ready to make some lab