Anyone using Tap water with Good results?

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
I started my babies out with bottled water, but buying 20 gallons of water every 5 days is killing my pockets and my back.

So for a few weeks now iv used Tap water from my sink...

The plants are looking fine, They are going into their second week of flowering.

Im wondering,,, Will it make a Big difference if I use Tap water, or should I go back to bottled water for flowering?

Anyone else using Tap Water with good results?


Well-Known Member
I use tap water, not straight from the tap thou. I leave it in a 5 gal jug with an airstone for a day or 2.

Some ppl leave it sit out for 24 hrs.

Others use it rite from the tap with now problems.

IMO it can depend on were you live and what they put in your water.


Well-Known Member
i used tap water through the first 5 grows i did... but that was in soil.. had great results tho... have a youtube vid in my sig that shows my last grow about a week or two before harvest... i had to get a filtration system tho.. switched to hydro and need the water as clean as possible... i didnt worry about leaving it out at all either.. it was straight from tap...


Well-Known Member
I use tap water. I usually let it sit for 24 hours before using it. But I have on several occations used it right out of the tap. No problem whats so ever.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
tap water here with no issues. comes out of the tap ph 7, leave it for 24 hours as well, maybe it helps, add nutes, ph again, that's it. i've been thinking about getting a filtration unit, buying ro water etc etc, but until something happens to my plants which i'm having trouble diagnosing and mending, then i'll keep doing it. tyey look amazing right now and are really big for their age :)

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with it as long as the pH is properly adjusted, and your water company isn't pumping it full of all sorts of chemicals. If it comes out of the tap at less than 200 ppm total dissolved solids I'd say it's fine.


tap water is fine. its all i use and i dont let it sit out for more than 5 min let alone 24h. But we have good water where i live. so i guess it depends on the quality of your local water.

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
Awesome guys,

Thanks for the feedback.

From what i hear, my city has really good tap water.
And the girls in soil seem to be doing nice with it.

But I think I might try sitting it out for 24 hours.

I had a RO system, The Spectra Pure 100.
I hate it!!

First off it only cleans about half the amount of water at a time as it claims it can handle,,, then one day I left it alone for a few hours with out supervising it, and it backed the water up into the pipe and caused a leak in the apartment under me. luckely i found it, and the leak went away.
But I came very close to having a run-in with the landlord.:shock:


Well-Known Member
tap water for a decade now. i let it sit till it doesnt smell like poolwater(usually 24hrs but an airstone speeds that up dramaticly).


Well-Known Member
Im about to start a new hydro set up and use straight tap without letting it sit out. The reason i just bought an outdoor hydro veggy tower and im running it with straight tap no sitting out, and the res stays at about 89degrees during the day with not one single problem. The plants love it, they double in size about every week, prefect green leaves on every plant(about 12 different types, 20 in all) no root rot problems, its been 3 weeks and havent touched the res still at 5.6ph, down to about 10gallons from original 20. So now im inspired to try this in my box. Anybody know if the chlorine is what is preventing root rot with such high temps, or the constantly flowing water in the system.