Anyone using webcam or other internet tools to monitor their hydro garden?


Anyone using webcam or other internet tools to monitor their hydro garden?

I've been wondering about this for awhile, as it seems that having an "eye" on the garden, and possibly monitoring temp, Ph, and other such data online might really be very useful for keeping a remote garden running well, or at least being able to watch while at work or away from the garden.

My other thought, though, is that given the current anti-marijuana enforcement orientation that the feds seem to aiming toward, maybe online security is going to be an evermore sensitive issue.

Thoughts, anyone???


I have considerd doing this i found a system on line that alowes for to use a spart phone of a pc. As for big bother thats your own call im nervios about it to as wel


I dont have webcams, but I can vpn in and check/control my ph,ppms,co2, water levels, temps, relay status amoung other things. though a webcam would be really cool and a great way to just get a quick look. pair one with a pantilt and you could move it around to see the whole area.


the igrow system comes complete with web availability/smart phone. i wouldnt do it though. if i had an alarm for the temp it would be enough for me


Well-Known Member
I would setup sensors for everything, but avoid the webcam. If possible, rename what the sensors are. Feds can not only turn on your webcam wether a pogram is using it or not, they can turn on the mic to your cellphone and use it as a bug if its so much as on, so you know their capabilities aren't limited to that. If your grow is a legit, hell yea, otherwise, fuck no...just my humble opinion.


Rebel From The North
I would setup sensors for everything, but avoid the webcam. If possible, rename what the sensors are. Feds can not only turn on your webcam wether a pogram is using it or not, they can turn on the mic to your cellphone and use it as a bug if its so much as on, so you know their capabilities aren't limited to that. If your grow is a legit, hell yea, otherwise, fuck no...just my humble opinion.
good stuff right there!


Active Member
I was gonna put a wireless unit in my room.. Then I accidentally came on a page with a handheld device that you could pick up wireless web cam/ wireless security camera signals with it and view on the built in screen... screw that.. If I did it it should be hard wired....


Well-Known Member
Mine is right outside my door to flowering rooms pointed at the chhc-4 if you walk out with an armload of buds you can be seen so it is disconnected during harvest times... Although legit I don't wantthe Feds seeing my gear! My enviromental controller tells me everything I need to know anyway...


Well-Known Member
I have 3 cameras in my 2 grow rooms, 1 in the veg room 1 in the flowering room and 1 on my clone propogation area. Theier all wireless cameras linked to my computer and i could even acess the camera when i am not home.. Its really handy to be able to check on your crop, even when you are not home


Well-Known Member
Im considering a camera, buuuut Im actually in the design process for the circuit boards that will control my hydro, initially just fans water pump temp humidity and lights but eventually i want to add nute and ph readings. My controller system will report back to my server so that i can access it anytime remotely

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
i got a robot like the one rocky baught for pauly in rocky 4 i think. came with joy stick for controll. with a camera in the grow so i can see what that fuckers up to.
i dont even have to grow any more. this robot fucker does it. waters, checks ph, ppm, all that shit.
i just sit on the couch eating popcorn and soda spilling all over the place while i control this robot to do every thing.
and to top it all off this silly fucker trims!!!