anyone venting in there sewer water wast line. a little advice please.


I am having problems with finding a ventilation solution that dose not draw attention. I don't have a chimney and it will be a task to get to the roof space since the growroom is going to be in the lower part of the house, but if I did then there is the mold in the installation problem. I read a post somewhere saying to vent through the sewer water waste line which is in the room. Has any one done this. The poster also said u don't have to worry about smell since it will be accompanied by the sewage. My question is is this a good way to vent and what steps can I take to make sure the smell won't back track in to the house through a drain.


Active Member
Uhm in reality I dont know anything that could make smell not come back up through the drain. You could put some pvc at the end of the drain maybe that would help but still probably. Anyways if theres constant air flow then there probably wont be a problem.. Do some studying . look at vent system, make something work. not much more i can say but goodluck


Well-Known Member
interesting idea, i do see a few posts mentioning that odor will come through the drains
that shouldn't happen because of the drain traps which have a 'U' of drain water which blocks sewer gases
but you will need some means of blocking the sewer gas from coming through your grow room vent connection
and sewer gas is potentially explosive, so this should require some careful thought


Well-Known Member
ewwww just don't do it man. use a carbon can, inline fan and some duct and take it out a window. it won't be pretty but at least it will be easier and work. IMO


I don't know if this helps, it is the last clean out opening before it hits the street so where I would snake out the line if I had a tree root problem in my front yard. Is that far enough down. The fan will be ran constantly or I will put a flapper vent adapter if I cycle the fan so smells and gases dont enter grow room. As far as the smells backing up through the drain correct me if I am wrong, gas and smells are always there coming back up the pipe when water is not running down the pipe and the system is designed to vent anything coming back through up and out the roof of the house I think, why would that change cause I vented out right before it hits the street. I am not trying to say anyone is wrong, I don't know so I am just trying to inform myself so I don't do anything stupid.


Well-Known Member
I sounds like a good idea, but the reality is something different.

Yes, there are p-traps under each drain that stops gasses from coming back into the house. Thats kewl. & the positive pressure created by a fan running, pushing the smells down the sewer pipe are great & it would work.

The problem comes in when you have a power outage in the middle of the night, or the fan burns out. There would be no p-trap filled with water to prevent the gasses from coming back into the grow room & sewer gas can kill you dead VERY fast.

I wouldn't risk it. I have smell issues that I'm dealing with & I know houses & plumbing & I wouldn't hook to the sewer system. Unless it was WAY up at the stack before it leaves the attic/roof.
There are a lot of other ways to deal with smell & I would suggest you abandon this one.


If it was summer I would just cut a hole in the side of the house and vent out dryer vent that was the original plan but it is cold and I have neighbors that might think it is strange that the vent is constantly blowing out a big cloud of heat smoke.


Its not so much the smell its the hot air. I just can't think of a way that won't have the cloud of hot air hitting the cold.


Well-Known Member
considering the potential risks, at this point you might want to investigate ozone generators
haven't tried them myself, but seem to be the gold standard for destroying odor, provided properly setup


Well-Known Member
yea id go with the ozone gennerators and as far as the cloud of hot air you arnt going to get around that one if you vent outside is pretty much impossible man. bite tha bullet and go ahead and cut the hole are you in a legal state? are you a caregiver, i live in texas im neither just grow nd be blessed man.


Nope Minnesota. See the smell I know I can do something about its the cloud of smoke that worries me. Of course I don't want to kill myself either but a dryer vent that is running 24/7 is not a good look. I will have to see if I vent to the window will the cold glass cool the air fast enough u won't see the cloud, I don't care if the condensation freezes as long as no cloud cause the windows to the rooms are at the front of the house.


Well-Known Member
well have you ever thought about putting your can fan on a timer set your lights for 18 6 nd turn the fan off for 6 hrs make it in tha day nd run it at night same with 12 12 just make sure you have enough fans to have good airflow going thru the room


that was the original plan. Put vent in back of the house and try to run everything when the sun goes down Since my back yard is dark ando so are my neighbors yards.


I will give it some more thought till this weekend. if I don't come up with something I will just put an extra dryer vent in and run all night.