anyone watching CNBC's Marijuana USA


Well-Known Member
hahah that show made my day yesterday lol i had spent the whole day getting stoned off my butt watching seeason 4 if weeds and as soon as i was finshed i got to the tv and it was on what a day plus the nfr finals after that heck a west texas cowboy cant ask for much more if ya ask me


Active Member
ther gonna play this all the time like they did with marijuana INC, it'll be pretty hard to miss. just scroll thru your channels occasionally

the hashshasher

Active Member
did the cop really say that marijuana funds all other drugs like its a bad thing, wouldnt that be all the more reason to make it legal then the criminal organizations couldnt sell it because we could buy it legally


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link, I could only find the promo on jewtube when you innitialy mentioned this.


Active Member
Yep...Marijuana is starting to become mainstream.

Many years ago you would never see this kind of shit on TV...maybe even as recent as 10-20 years ago you hardly saw anything showcasing a drug...usually it was just some "Just say No" bullshit.

The first show i saw was History Channel's "Hooked: Illegal Drugs" Marijuana episode. Then i saw VH1's "The Drug Years" series. Then, i think it was 1 or 2 years ago, came CNBC's "Marijuana: Industry". When i saw that i loved it, and i thought it was sweet that the media was finally recognizing marijuana as an industry with trade and sales like any other commodity.

After "Marijuana: Industry" came History Channel's "Marijuana: A Chronic History", which was just a few months ago. And now this "Marijuana USA"...

Weed is really becoming meanstream... The more that the public learns about it, the more comfortable they are with talking about it in public, and eventually discussing legalization.

I dont know how many more Cannabis shows they can make...they've touched on every aspect of it. Theres nothing left to do but start de-criminalizin.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing left to do but start de-criminalizin.
Do you see the political reality we are in? They are making the incandescent light bulb illegal for christsake...

Government is moving towards more power and control over every aspect of your life concerning legal things much less drugs. Nope, the federal government has no interest in decrimializing its *cash crop*


Active Member
Do you see the political reality we are in? They are making the incandescent light bulb illegal for christsake...

Government is moving towards more power and control over every aspect of your life concerning legal things much less drugs. Nope, the federal government has no interest in decrimializing its *cash crop*
Well....theres tons of weed shows now....its becoming way mainstream. Did you see all the dispensaries in Colorado on that show? The government/public cant just look the other way on it, not when children are seeing these places and shows all over the place.