anyone watching nat geo tonight?


Well-Known Member
sorry if its been posted already,but national geographic is having a special about marijuana tonight


Well-Known Member
Damn I hope I can find that online since I dont get the channel, I do have a subscription though so maybe they will have something in the magazine.


Well-Known Member
reminders all set. the commercial sure sounds like they may actually put it in a positive light. that would be nice to see for a change. BBC did a documentary a couple weeks ago but i just didn't like the way it was portrayed. they made numerous references to "one puff making people go insane" - ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
gotta get as many tv's as possible tuned in to these things. the only way the mainstream media is ever going to start discussing weed is if theres money in it for em. they have to see that these programs get great ratings. get everybody you know to watch this and any other program about marijuana.


Well-Known Member
i hope i can find it online i dont have that channel i wish i did will it be a special on any partner channels perhaps?


Well-Known Member
^^^ unless you have a Nielsen box it wont matter.
:D I was a Nielsen family once, about 20 years ago. They took it away saying I watched too much PBS. :(

Storm, a "Nielsen box" is how television ratings are calculated. They hook up this box that monitors all your television watching, how long, what channels, when you change channels, EVERYTHING except actually recording you sitting in front of the tv. The entire purpose is for marketing.


Well-Known Member
:D I was a Nielsen family once, about 20 years ago. They took it away saying I watched too much PBS. :(

Storm, a "Nielsen box" is how television ratings are calculated. They hook up this box that monitors all your television watching, how long, what channels, when you change channels, EVERYTHING except actually recording you sitting in front of the tv. The entire purpose is for marketing.

How do you get one? Can you just go get one or do they pick you at random? You watched too much PBS? Ahhh...guess that wanted you to spend all your time watching "Webster" and "Who's the boss" huh?


Well-Known Member
so if you can order "pay per view" from your cable box, why can't they monitor your viewing habits the same way? just wondering. :)


Well-Known Member
Your viewing habits can probably be monitored that way, but I'm not sure how they'd do it with the channels other than PPV. Marketers only get so much nefarious technology doled out to them. :twisted:
How do you get one? Can you just go get one or do they pick you at random? You watched too much PBS? Ahhh...guess that wanted you to spend all your time watching "Webster" and "Who's the boss" huh?
I was contacted by mail. Yes, they actually asked me to watch more ABC, Roseanne and that stuff. I said, "I have class on Tuesday nights, though, and my kids aren't going to be allowed to watch that stuff." Like I said, this had to be close to 20 years ago, the boys were only toddlers. Only lasted about four months or so. Maybe I broke the box, eh? :lol: