Anyone ?


Active Member
I've been on 12/12 phase for just over a week now. How strict do i need to be with dark hours vs light hours?? At the minute they are getting around 14hrs dark & 10hrs light - is this ok?

Also - i'm using small grow pots (rookie mistake & didnt have the time to transplant) so should i give them extra food due to lack of nutes in soil?! I've been watering three times before giving food during veg, do i need to increase the food now flowering?

Any help appreciated for an intrigued beginner.... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I am confused. Are you on 14/10, 12/12, or switching around? For best results get to 12/12 and stay there. Also, get a simple fertilizer, like Mircle-Gro Azalea food, and give it diluted every other watering. Also, find out your water ph and get it to about 6.0.

Just work on these simple points first and then worry with complicated stuff later.


Well-Known Member
12/12 constantly, 14 induces early immature maturation as the plant thinks winter is closer than.


Active Member
a confilct of opinion here by the look of it.

Mockingbird - yes its currently 14/10 not 12/12... i was a little 'hazy' when i posted thread yesterday. I will do my best to get them onto 12/12 if that will be beneficial.

I thought the hard part was done but obviously the work load will increase throughout the next couple months then. Anything i should look out for???



Well-Known Member
12/12 with a timer. anything else is either advanced grower stuff or a great way to grow hermies. dont do your best, spend the pennies and buy a timer.

NEVER try and compensate for things by using heavy nute mixtures! if anything you would have to water more often, not more at each watering. transplant those puppies as soon as possible to a larger pot. it is considered a bad idea to transplant too late in the flowering cycle.

your biggest concern for your first grow is you. it is amazing how much damage a new grower can do by being hasty or trying new and "improved" methods. try really hard to watch more than you actually do. and do not do any yield increasing methods on your first grow. you just want to get through this one with both you and the plant alive at the last day.

keep as good of notes as you can EACH day. this gets harder and harder as your grow starts to hit a groove but work at it. review your notes periodically and see what your new knowledge shows you from your past work.

i cant really get behind using MG fertilizer at all. the stuff is brutal and can make a new grower do some drastic stuff as the leaves burn. if you do use it, use it lightly and dont freak out when you have poor looking leaves.


Well-Known Member
Transplanting an established plant is a lot easier then doing a seedling or newer plant..The older plants will have a good solid root ball..just let it dry, till soil pulls away from plant pot..and if in a plastic container just roll it in your hands to loosen the soil, and just lift out by thickest part of root..if still stuck , gently run a knife around outer ring of pot.. This whole transplant takes about 10 seconds.. I would transplant 1st..wait a couple of days in case of stress.( if done quick & right) this won't be a problem..I've had to transplant flowering plants before because of broken pots or way to small pots.. By giving extra nutes you just build up salts and shit..the plant will only take in the nutes that are easily drawn up by plant...root binding won't allow this. but you can get burnt root spots where theres a nute buildup.. I'd transplant..wait a couple of days then start flower nutes....they'll love the new room..remember that a flowering plant can double in size, so if no root'll loose some of the potential the plant struggles to maintain the already grown parts..thus taking energy from colas & thc production..My plants go into their max. size pots at about 3'...(unless some need to redo)... 12-12 is the "standard" but outside plants only get about 10hrs of dark..I would as suggested that you get a timer... If in future try a autoflower like lowryders ..they go by time, not light a 18-6 works, & they only grow a couple of feet tall. Plus you can turn a crop in about 9 weeks.. IMO....luck


Active Member
Thanks - I think transplanting will need to be considered then. Problem is there are a few more than just a couple of plants and i am very time restricted.

bfq - as for the timer, great idea unfortunately i'm not hooked into a normal plug/socket set up. I am tapped straight into a electrical supply from a circuit board. Bit tricky to explain but if there are timers out there in the market which can be 'plumbed' straight into a circuit board or even wired direct to an electric cable i will definately invest. Have already invested a small fortune so a few more pennies wont matter.

Its definately been a trial and error operation and i have learnt plenty already. You guys on this site have been my main saviours. Wouldnt be where i am now without your words of wisdom.

Twistyman - cheers for the words - all noted.


Well-Known Member
cut an extension cord and wire the socket side into your board and plug the timer into that.... otherwise, i am sure you could crack the case on the timer and solder leads in.

you really cant run a successful grow indoors without a timer.


Well-Known Member
Just be careful with any jury rigged power.. I saw on an Ontario reno show that if your get a fire Marshall or power company employee that sees that you can be libel for theft of utilities, the fine for that lady was $30,000.because the power was in her be careful..


Well-Known Member
12/12 with a timer. anything else is either advanced grower stuff or a great way to grow hermies. dont do your best, spend the pennies and buy a timer.

NEVER try and compensate for things by using heavy nute mixtures! if anything you would have to water more often, not more at each watering. transplant those puppies as soon as possible to a larger pot. it is considered a bad idea to transplant too late in the flowering cycle.

your biggest concern for your first grow is you. it is amazing how much damage a new grower can do by being hasty or trying new and "improved" methods. try really hard to watch more than you actually do. and do not do any yield increasing methods on your first grow. you just want to get through this one with both you and the plant alive at the last day.

keep as good of notes as you can EACH day. this gets harder and harder as your grow starts to hit a groove but work at it. review your notes periodically and see what your new knowledge shows you from your past work.

i cant really get behind using MG fertilizer at all. the stuff is brutal and can make a new grower do some drastic stuff as the leaves burn. if you do use it, use it lightly and dont freak out when you have poor looking leaves.
I agree with these points. All fertilizers can be brutal. Miricle-Gro Azalea is for acid loving plants and is a simple fix for a beginner. However, it is powerful. So ration the formula to 1/4 of the normal outdoor rate. Only "feed" every 3rd or 4th watering. Less is better.

Go to 12/12 on a light timer, because this is proven to work with all seed strains.
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Well-Known Member
I agree with these points. All fertilizers can be brutal. Miricle-Gro Azalea is for acid loving plants and is a simple fix for a beginner. However, it is powerful. So ration the formula to 1/4 of the normal outdoor rate. Only "feed" every 3rd or 4th watering. Less is better.

Go to 12/12 on a light timer, because this is proven to work with all seed strains.
guess we sorta agree after all :)


Well-Known Member
10/14 is an okay option if he already had the lights set to 10/14 then its better not to switch or he could turn them hermie, just saying, i know what you said about the premature flowering... i use 12/12