Anyone's Ideas Plz


Well-Known Member
ok either I am way too stoned or I missed the part on your link that shows the heat and or nute burn. I had both several times. I would use some superthrive for a couple waters. It is great stuff it has vitamins and hormones plus it can be added with your nutes or in between. I add it with when i use it . during veg I use it every water.

good luck to you


Well-Known Member
i dont know about heat stress temp would have to be over 90 to do damage 90 % results in slowed growth but plants can withstand 120% then sets in the cell damage as to nute burn i would promply flush your soil 2 gallons water to one gallon medium,and id mist them with plan water a few times a day and they should recover, last thing you want to do is and more anything if you think its nute burn stress heat i would lower your temp between 60 and 75 is a prefered temp