anyonne else get tingly hands from smoking to much?


Well-Known Member
I don't sweat it. just seems unusal its probably from slamming off the bowl or when i fell grinding the box at skatepark. 7foot fall to my head/back/ take no vitamins. but its possible to be heart I'm only 23 though i have ate a lot of fast food , and smoked 6years b4 stopping. idk maybe i just smoke to much lol


Well-Known Member
I'm not being an ass, or trying to be, nor am I a doctor. But if your extremities are numb and tingling you should talk with a licensed physician as soon as you can.


Active Member
Smoking reduces the blood flow in your body, so if you're smoking 24/7 regardless if it's cigs or weed it's bad for you (Depending on how you smoke it as well)

You could have artharitis or w/e it's called or be diabetic

Cannasaurus Rex

Well-Known Member
That sucks when you have to make a choice between money and health. Its hard enough making that decision with our pets, money vs. pets health. I can't imagine this kinda bargaining y'know early detection is rationalized away by your wallet. I know I'm in Canada, but really now? Work with your president and get people affordable treatment somehow. You all pay for the sick anyway. I know money buys the law in North America, but it is morally wrong to have no care due to poverty. I know that you are supposed to "DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY" but are you really getting what you need. How about using tax dollars to benefit the citizens. Some"NEED" their country to t least go halfway, cause citizens have been GIVING way too much while the1% takes it all for themselves. Time for the COUNTRY to do more for it citizens.
No insurance or i would man