Anything About History


Well-Known Member
This is the "Anything about History" thread. Talk about the history of Marijuana, USA, Eastern Civilization, Civil War, or anything pertaining to history. This includes anything from the beginning of time to the modern day era from anyplace around the globe to across the skies.

I will let you guys and gals start this thread off. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
This is the "Anything about History" thread. Talk about the history of Marijuana, USA, Eastern Civilization, Civil War, or anything pertaining to history. This includes anything from the beginning of time to the modern day era from anyplace around the globe to across the skies.

I will let you guys and gals start this thread off. :bigjoint:

I'm reading a book called, Cannabis, a history. It's pretty good so far.


New Member
I find it interesting that at one point during American history citizens could be arrested for NOT growing hemp.

You could also pay your taxes with hemp.


Well-Known Member
In that documentary, "The Union", they suggest that Nixon pushed Cannabis prohibition because he wanted to arrest the people who protested the Vietnam War. I find that interesting. I wonder how history would have changed if that war had never occurred or the US hadn't been involved.


Well-Known Member
I have not seen that documentary yet, but I will look for it. I remember seeing a documentary that said Nixon was out in California, and while entering a building he seen some protesters across the street. He asked the people that he was with, what are those Canadians protesting? The guys said, those are not Canadians and they are protesting the prohibition of marijuana! That is when nixon turned around and said, I will change that.
The store is rather similar to that and with different words. I did not quote them there. Is this what you are refering to Dont Know Beans?


In that documentary, "The Union", they suggest that Nixon pushed Cannabis prohibition because he wanted to arrest the people who protested the Vietnam War. I find that interesting. I wonder how history would have changed if that war had never occurred or the US hadn't been involved.


Well-Known Member
George Washington was a hemp farmer and grew some hemp at the white house!!! bongsmilie He said something to this effect, "Hemp is good sow it everywhere". George would be ashamed of this government if he could see it now.
There is one legal place to grow hemp in the United States... I was on and checking out the map of the usa where it shows what is legal in each state. Well it shows only one state has legalized hemp out of the whole union.
On the other hand I have heard that we can grow hemp anywhere in the USA. However, if we do then we much put barbed wire fence around the whole property and have security guards holding down the fort. I dont know how much is true about that but thats what i have heard.
Either way, hemp is legal in virtually the whole world. We are one of the only countries to not legalize it. Shows how far back in times we are stuck. Must of the other countires realize how valuable of a plant it is. Thank god they arent as ignorant as we are.

I find it interesting that at one point during American history citizens could be arrested for NOT growing hemp.

You could also pay your taxes with hemp.
I'm reading a book called, Cannabis, a history. It's pretty good so far.


Well-Known Member
I'm familiar with allot of the conspiracy theories but I don't glorify any of it. I do believe that we are getting dumber and dumber by the generation and that we probably shouldn't be drinking fluoride... that's why i choose to be organic and as natural as possible :)

We Love 1

New Member
I'm familiar with allot of the conspiracy theories but I don't glorify any of it. I do believe that we are getting dumber and dumber by the generation and that we probably shouldn't be drinking fluoride... that's why i choose to be organic and as natural as possible :)

Watch the history channel then. I'm actually watching it right now, but I'm not paying much attention to it.

Let Me see if I can dig up a real old thread that had lots of other "nonconspiracy" vids.



Well-Known Member
The common garden snail are all hermaphrodite. But still need the sperm of another snail to reproduce. Some snails have somtehing called a ''love dart'' as well as another means of reproduction. This ''Love Dart'' is a lot more sinister than it sounds though. The Love Dart actually Pierces through the other snail during ''Love Making'', this is quite rare though. Less than 0.25 percent of snails successfully make use of thier ''Love Dart'. The reason for the ''Love Dart'' is essentially survival of the fittest and is to ensure the dominant snails offsprings survival.

The knowledge of this dates back to the ancient Greeks and even has a part in the conjuring of such myths as Cupids Dart among others.


Well-Known Member
No problem. I probably could have worded it better but its still quite interesting. You should look it up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Did you know that vibrators were actually made FOR masturbation, not massaging sore muscles?
At one time in history, it was expected that a "good' woman did not like sex.Usually,she would go to the marriage bed completely unaware of what was about to happen.Sometimes her mother or an aunt might pull her aside before she joined her husband in the bedroom, and,giving her the only information she'd ever been privy to about sex, would explain to her that her husband was going to "do something" to her that would probably be painful the first few times, and terribly unpleasant thereafter,and that she must "Submit".So the terrified bride is made to suffer the clumsy attempts of a husband who thinks that only whores enjoy sex,and he hurries through the sex act without foreplay in order to finish quickly and spare his wife the indignity.The bride is none the wiser..she has no idea sex can be enjoyable for her.....she probably never even masturbated, as it was frowned upon, and if you were caught as a child or teenager practicing "Onanism", as it was called,you would most likely have your hands bound or genital restraints made of steel which discouraged arousal were placed on you.Some boys had their penises tied,or put in a device which prevented them from touching themselves, much like a cage.Females had chastity belts.
As time went on, the women would become sexually frustrated,but had no idea what was wrong.Many went crazy.They called this feminine hysteria, and believed it was caused by the uterus wandering around the inside of the woman's body.
In time, doctors discovered that inducing "paroxysms"in the women would cure them.What this meant was the women went to the doctor and he manually masturbated them to orgasm.Some women were told to come back once a week, and some more,depending on the severity of the "hysteria".
In time the demand for these doctors became so great, they could not keep up with all of the patients...
The first vibrator was invented in 1869 to offset physician fatigue.It was steam powered.By 1899, the vibrator had become small enough to be sold in catalogs for home use...though they couldn't come right out and say what it was for, they did advertise that it made you more youthful,got rid of headaches,nerve pain and wrinkles.Sales went up as electricity became more prevalent in households.
Here's a link to a brief history of sex toys, where I got my info for the actual date of invention for the vibrator,and references for the last paragraph.

We Love 1

New Member
In time, doctors discovered that inducing "paroxysms"in the women would cure them.What this meant was the women went to the doctor and he manually masturbated them to orgasm.Some women were told to come back once a week, and some more,depending on the severity of the "hysteria".
In time the demand for these doctors became so great, they could not keep up with all of the patients...
HAHA :lol: Good times.

Drs have been shady for a long time now. What a job!



Well-Known Member
interesting... bongsmilie

I actually did not know any of that but strangely enough i find it interesting. My friend is sitting here and saying that is an accurate depiction of its history...

Did you know that vibrators were actually made FOR masturbation, not massaging sore muscles?
At one time in history, it was expected that a "good' woman did not like sex.Usually,she would go to the marriage bed completely unaware of what was about to happen.Sometimes her mother or an aunt might pull her aside before she joined her husband in the bedroom, and,giving her the only information she'd ever been privy to about sex, would explain to her that her husband was going to "do something" to her that would probably be painful the first few times, and terribly unpleasant thereafter,and that she must "Submit".So the terrified bride is made to suffer the clumsy attempts of a husband who thinks that only whores enjoy sex,and he hurries through the sex act without foreplay in order to finish quickly and spare his wife the indignity.The bride is none the wiser..she has no idea sex can be enjoyable for her.....she probably never even masturbated, as it was frowned upon, and if you were caught as a child or teenager practicing "Onanism", as it was called,you would most likely have your hands bound or genital restraints made of steel which discouraged arousal were placed on you.Some boys had their penises tied,or put in a device which prevented them from touching themselves, much like a cage.Females had chastity belts.
As time went on, the women would become sexually frustrated,but had no idea what was wrong.Many went crazy.They called this feminine hysteria, and believed it was caused by the uterus wandering around the inside of the woman's body.
In time, doctors discovered that inducing "paroxysms"in the women would cure them.What this meant was the women went to the doctor and he manually masturbated them to orgasm.Some women were told to come back once a week, and some more,depending on the severity of the "hysteria".
In time the demand for these doctors became so great, they could not keep up with all of the patients...
The first vibrator was invented in 1869 to offset physician fatigue.It was steam powered.By 1899, the vibrator had become small enough to be sold in catalogs for home use...though they couldn't come right out and say what it was for, they did advertise that it made you more youthful,got rid of headaches,nerve pain and wrinkles.Sales went up as electricity became more prevalent in household.
Here's a link to a brief history of sex toys, where I got my info for the actual date of invention for the vibrator,and references for the last paragraph.


New Member
If there was ever a tidbit worthy of Valentines day, Stoney just presented it.

Yay to the guy who invented the vibrator :clap:

(I feel bad for these dudes who had to pay a doctor to get their wives off) EEEK

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I bet!That's why they invented the vibe! I wonder if any of the docs had a really hot patient and got all excited and gave Her a good rodgering?I mean they were physicians, they had to put two and two together and know what was really happening...because it was perfectly acceptable for men to like sex(and fallen women,LOl).
I wonder if those docs got carpal tunnel syndrome?