Anything About History


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, those doctors gotta lot of pussy back in the day. I feel sorry for the ones that had a really ugly stinking hole to fist... eekkkkk

If there was ever a tidbit worthy of Valentines day, Stoney just presented it.

Yay to the guy who invented the vibrator :clap:

(I feel bad for these dudes who had to pay a doctor to get their wives off) EEEK
I wonder if those docs got carpal tunnel syndrome?
I bet!That's why they invented the vibe! I wonder if any of the docs had a really hot patient and got all excited and gave Her a good rodgering?I mean they were physicians, they had to put two and two together and know what was really happening...because it was perfectly acceptable for men to like sex(and fallen women,LOl).


New Member
right thread for me...... i know lots of history
marijuana was first controlled slightly before and during the great depression to oppress and expel cheap mexican labor that was no longer needed due to the loss of jobs/wealth. white america looked for a propaganda campaign aimed toward the removal of these unwanted mexican laborers who supposedly smoked this '' loco weed'' and raped white women.
opium was outlawed because of the chinese...
and cocaine for blacks...
i'd write more but i need a bong rip....


Well-Known Member
Your absolutely right on this topic. We also use to ship hemp up the Mississippi river by the barge full

right thread for me...... i know lots of history
marijuana was first controlled slightly before and during the great depression to oppress and expel cheap mexican labor that was no longer needed due to the loss of jobs/wealth. white america looked for a propaganda campaign aimed toward the removal of these unwanted mexican laborers who supposedly smoked this '' loco weed'' and raped white women.
opium was outlawed because of the chinese...
and cocaine for blacks...
i'd write more but i need a bong rip....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Now, I don't know if this is true or not,but I heard that sometimes slave owners would cut the head off of a slave and slap a hot plate down on the neck,then they'd make bets as to how long he'd flop.My mom told me this.Anyone heard of it?
Your absolutely right on this topic. We also use to ship hemp up the Mississippi river by the barge full


New Member
Hitler was a meth addict and synthesized the first methamphetamines
later the materials were scarce and it became more impure and Nazis synthesized the first MDMA. Hitler was being shot up with E and shit....
rolling balls in a bunker surrounded by blonde haired Nazis in leather boots and shit and that's what made him crazy.


New Member
Now, I don't know if this is true or not,but I heard that sometimes slave owners would cut the head off of a slave and slap a hot plate down on the neck,then they'd make bets as to how long he'd flop.My mom told me this.Anyone heard of it?

what kind of shit were your mom's ancestors in to?
white people, really? damn.


New Member
I don't think it's right to enslave others for your own gain. Even now we're all enslaved, we get paid a paltry sum, but we're slaves just the same. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm currently studying for an degree in History. My current module is 'exploring the classics' and I am studying Homer's Odyseus among other things. I love History.


Well-Known Member
History is soooo amazing and awesome dude. Im taking a history class on the USA which explains what lead up to the USA including the articles of confederation and a brief look in the past at or about 14,000 BC when man first came across to North america... but in mainly focuses on the 1700's - the end of the civil war.... its freaking exciting dude:bigjoint:

I'm currently studying for an degree in History. My current module is 'exploring the classics' and I am studying Homer's Odyseus among other things. I love History.