Anything wrong with free seeds?


Well-Known Member
I've come to believe that nothing is free and if it is free there's a catch to it or something wrong with it. I ordered super lemon haze off of herbies and got two free afghani seeds.

Anyone with experience with free seeds know how they come out? I'm thinking bad genetics or quality or fake strain or something weird along the line..
Herbies gives everyone free afghani. Its a strain that isn't in demand and they have bulk loads of seeds. Many of strains today are crossed with afghani, so afghani itself isn't sought after. If you order 10 seeds you will be lucky to get 1 or 2 worthy phenotypes. Who knows the 2 freebies might turn out dank for you. Good Luck.
It's advertising, lots of companies do it. I ordered some seeds and they sent me 5 free AK47 feminized so I planted those first and so far all sprouted, all were females, all are growing about the same and very well considering my limited experience and they are getting nice looking buds now that they are in flower. We'll see how they smoke come Thanksgiving.
Plant yours and then you'll know for sure. Good luck.
Depending on the bank you use. Mine always sends " freebies " , they ALL germinated. Some are labeled as their normal stock so I can judge whether the BREEDER listed is something I will look for again. BUT take the freebies with a grain of salt , they " could " be just spare or unidentified or ?

I chose my current bank over some others that were more hit and miss with stock.
All listed FEM seeds I bought or received WERE in fact females.

The ONLY way to know is to grow them.
I have grown several of Herbies freebies and have had great results with most of them. They are free, stop complaining and just grow them.
Every single freebie I've
Recieved has been good, never hermied or mutated lol, when your paying such high prices from seedbanks a freebie isnt really a freebie its a offset and reduces the cost of each seed. As a matter of fact on my first grow my best smoke were the freebies not the ones I ordered, critical kush and mk ultra. My favourite freebies are Attitudes july and christmas promos i can get my costs down to about 5-7 bucks a seed with those massive freebie giveaways. And you can get some beauties in the process, I got a beautiful dinachem last season and tangerine dream g13 haze 501st, some from th seeds, green crack, so get unto those "free" seeds lol
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Have grown many free beans out without a problem, got a Blue Dream freebie from tude on the go now and shes lookin legit
I've come to believe that nothing is free and if it is free there's a catch to it or something wrong with it. I ordered super lemon haze off of herbies and got two free afghani seeds.

Anyone with experience with free seeds know how they come out? I'm thinking bad genetics or quality or fake strain or something weird along the line..
Yea... Don't even use those fee ones. My buddy told me the goverment owns or deals with Most seed banks . They give away seeds that are meant to hermie so it will ruin crops.

I'm on the fence about believing him because he smokes a lot of meth