AOC - Tax the Rich

Yup same edited clips that do not show him molesting people like you right wing trolls like to pretend.

Let us know when you have something like Trump's admitting to trying to rape a woman.

Anyone touchy feely is annoying to me. It is right up there with close talkers.


But that doesn't mean that they were molesting people like these trolls like to pretend to bury the fact that the Republicans are full of actual proven pedophiles.

i'm from NJ and am huggy kissy; there was warmth and big family there; that's how i grew it's a cold everywhere; everyone living their own life. technology revolution really changed us. and the world. not some silly thing like horses v. cars, the complete family unit has been destroyed by FB and Twitter. one look at the pandemic map confirms this.
Let's bash NPR!
That's it?

Nothing else? I mean, you compare Trump to Biden as if they were equally culpable. Trump has what? 70 or 80 women who have publicly accused him of rape, not to mention his peeping in on under age women simply because he owned the show, not to mention his own goal when he bragged about grabbing women by the pussy because he holds a powerful position not to mention his menacing Stormy Daniels for making public his paying her for sex on the day Melania birthed their son.

Weighed against that is the story given by this woman about Biden and a few times where Biden made people around him uncomfortable by being touchy. Other than this woman, nobody accused Biden of sexual abuse.

I listened to her. Her story doesn't pass the sniff test. There are people who worked with both Biden and Ms Reade at the time and they say her story doesn't match their recollection of the time:

Melissa Lefko had the same job as Reade in the early 1990s, both serving as staff assistants in roughly the same time period. Lefko told NPR that the position did not involve the kind of regular interactions with Biden that Reade has at times described and that she was never asked to take the senator personal items or attend fundraisers. Lefko said the job entailed answering phone calls and performing constituent services.
Lefko added that she does not personally remember Reade and that Reade's description of the office environment doesn't align with her experience.

"The culture of the office was very professional in every way, with women in senior positions at a time when that was not the norm," said Lefko. "When you work on the Hill, you know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. And Biden was a good guy, and I mean that wholeheartedly."

So, this story about Biden hasn't crossed the threshold of believability You don't like Biden and prefer Bernie. It's your right to not want Biden to be president. You might even believe this woman's story. That too is your right. Where you go into crazy talk is comparing Biden to Trump as sexual predators.

What you are posting, is propaganda. A distortion from biased sources who are trying to influence rather than convince. Trump and Biden are in no way similar in this regard.
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You all are proving my point over than over again. You aren't very concerned with moral consistency or actual policies, you just want your team to win.

Did you read the article? Her story changed significantly. That's not a good sign, but unfortunately it's a stalemate situation. However, if you have some audio of Biden bragging about grabbing girls by the pussy, that would be good enough to convince me that her story is probably true and I'd be happy to personally condemn Biden for it. He's a powerful white male, so...kind of a three-striker already.
One of those sides was very supportive of #metoo, but curiously when silent when the accusations hit their side of the fence.
that is simply not true. The link you posted gave very specific responses by Democratic party leaders and Biden's campaign office. Both directly addressed the accusations while giving respect to both the accuser and the facts.

"Baker worked for Biden for 18 years and, in a statement sent from the Biden campaign, said she took her duties related to human resources very seriously: "In all my years working for Senator Biden, I never once witnessed, or heard of, or received, any reports of inappropriate conduct, period — not from Ms. Reade, not from anyone. I have absolutely no knowledge or memory of Ms. Reade's accounting of events, which would have left a searing impression on me as a woman professional, and as a manager. These clearly false allegations are in complete contradiction to both the inner workings of our Senate office and to the man I know and worked so closely with for almost two decades." "

Biden's deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield also put out a statement disputing the allegation: "Vice President Biden has dedicated his public life to changing the culture and the laws around violence against women. He authored and fought for the passage and reauthorization of the landmark Violence Against Women Act. He firmly believes that women have a right to be heard — and heard respectfully. Such claims should also be diligently reviewed by an independent press. What is clear about this claim: it is untrue. This absolutely did not happen."

Biden's campaign and his surrogates have been careful in denying this new allegation, trying not to personally discredit Reade. Ever since the #MeToo movement erupted, Democrats including Biden have been insisting that society should believe women, but they are grappling with what that means.

It's OK to not like Biden for whatever reason you want. It's even OK to post bullshit propaganda about him here (although it seems a certain moderator is tired of this repetitive line of BS and applied the ban hammer on you). Just don't expect people to believe you. We don't. For good reason.

What I find to be an extremely bad look for you is; you posted a link, cherry picked what you wanted from it and then said shit that is refuted in the very link you posted. I'd ask you "why is that?" but it seems you can't answer. Perhaps you should stop lying and posting old worn out right wing propaganda as if it were news. Maybe then you won't get banned.
St. Louis Couple Who Waved Guns At BLM Protesters Face Suspension Of Their Law Licenses
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Needs more camel toe.
Misspelling noted.

You're projecting your ideological hypocrisy again. Crybaby of taxes/society, but willing participant that can't be bothered to do anything about it.