Apache AT600 led vs 1000w HPS Blue Dream Grow

I don't think I want to smoke that . I don't want to have to put an ice pack on my nuts...o_O... How the hell do you hold on to weed for 2 years. friggin you and Mo got hiding places that you forget about..... if my weed sits for longer than a few months. it turns into hash. the next batch is better...
I had some in a turkey bag...6 months and it was nasty.
Had this in a jar the whole time...if I didn't tell you, you would just thinks it's average, but good. Bag appeal goes down...the sandlewood comes out. High is intense.

And they are always great buds.
"I'm going to keep this one"...then the next batch comes in and that one is put into the darkness till that one day. I rarely smoke it...but occasionally. I literally kept all of my last harvest so I have been smoking dank level 9 BBK since it was ready. With a little jilly still. BBK and jilly are my mix. The jilly is dwindling and dream is on deck...nice how the rotations worked out like that. One sativa out, a new one in.
according to frenchy. 3 months minimum cure to get a full polymerization of the terpenes for making hash... so....
My trim(which I make hash from) definitely goes longer than my buds...I make hash when the buds are getting low.

Just made some epic bubble from the BBK a few days ago.
lmao my trim and stuff is in a paper bag. let it dry. the trics are still there. will see for hash. Allot to learn for hash.
My trim(which I make hash from) definitely goes longer than my buds...I make hash when the buds are getting low.

Just made some epic bubble from the BBK a few days ago.

thats for dry trim and buds. If you make hash with fresh trim then thats different. he said his favorite is charas. What soma talks about too. running through the field touching or rubbing each top to make hand hash. I'm going totry that with my mini outdoor set up too
Thought you were one of the board members and field applications engineer of spectral progression crop rotation.

haha...method sevens will go out of business once all these high CRI white led's(comparatively to hps and R/B led) show the world more and more what's up.
So no shades with the white Cree leds?
So no shades with the white Cree leds?
Nothing to do with cree in particular. My apache's don't use crees.
I'm just talking about white led's in general. Even the lowest CRI's are more than 3X as good as the CRI of hps. So vision and color rendition are far superior...which is what method 7's fix.
Even AT's R2 spectrum with the enhanced red has a much higher CRI and ability to see normally(pretty much) under.

I'm not a CRI guy...It's a photometric ....quantum units are what matter to me. But I don't knock that it must contain more of the entire spectrum to have a higher cri, which is more than likely beneficial to the plants morphological. But I also don't believe that the higher CRI's loss in output(quantum unit) is worth the spectral gains(photometric).
I'd still want method sevens with inda gros and cmh, and any other lights with uv. I'm going to buy some this weekend. I want to try them on so cruising by the hydro shop for them
No offence Hy but I think you like to accesorize for your grow lol, I only have 1 IG compared to your handful, but is it really that unbearable that you need those glasses. Arent't they like 250 dollars? get yourself a nice pair of oakleys or ray bans if you are worried about the uv, be swaggin more than those method 7s....
EDIT: nvm googled it they are 150, not terrible but again that is what I paid for my rays.
No offence Hy but I think you like to accesorize for your grow lol, I only have 1 IG compared to your handful, but is it really that unbearable that you need those glasses. Arent't they like 250 dollars? get yourself a nice pair of oakleys or ray bans if you are worried about the uv, be swaggin more than those method 7s....
EDIT: nvm googled it they are 150, not terrible but again that is what I paid for my rays.

the method seven led operaters (I got a big head ) are $69.99. The $250 ones are prescription ones Rx. I had custom versaces that cost $187. They broke and they don't produce that frame anymore. The only glasses that fit me are Persols and Tag Heur's. Those are $385. The owner of method seven told me if the operators don't fit. , there is something wrong with me. Plus method sevens have a life time guarantee and lifetime 50/50 warranty. I don't have any sun glasses at the moment. Keep having to tilt my hat. I live in the hot sunny desert. The owner said they work great outdoors too.
On the subject of weighing the harvest before it dries I wasn't going to bother until I read the guides to drying/curing.

It's all easy enough to understand but the bit that I realised was going to be difficult to judge correctly, with my complete lack of experience, when to get it in the jars. So I weighed it before drying and then weighed it a couple more times until I knew it had lost roughly 70% of it's weight.

Another couple of grows and I'm sure I'll be able to tell when it's ready without having to weigh it but for a noob with zero green fingers it was the easiest thing I could think of :)
the method seven led operaters (I got a big head ) are $69.99. The $250 ones are prescription ones Rx. I had custom versaces that cost $187. They broke and they don't produce that frame anymore. The only glasses that fit me are Persols and Tag Heur's. Those are $385. The owner of method seven told me if the operators don't fit. , there is something wrong with me. Plus method sevens have a life time guarantee and lifetime 50/50 warranty. I don't have any sun glasses at the moment. Keep having to tilt my hat. I live in the hot sunny desert. The owner said they work great outdoors too.
lmao if they dont fit, you have a big ass head bro (edit: just saw you said you have a big head lol im tired, i cant imagine them being too tight though, they got some flex to em. fit me with some room, id say i have avg size head.) I dont know who would wear them outdoors? Puts a green tint on everything (but they do work) and would raise questions lol amazon sells em btw.
lmao if they dont fit, you have a big ass head bro (edit: just saw you said you have a big head lol im tired, i cant imagine them being too tight though, they got some flex to em. fit me with some room, id say i have avg size head.) I dont know who would wear them outdoors? Puts a green tint on everything (but they do work) and would raise questions lol amazon sells em btw.
your right on the site it says don't wear led ones outside. The mh ones are better for outdoors. I guess dude wasn't thinking straight.
You guys act like I wouldn't show the differences.
And that last time you guys never saw buds of my bbk.
I will even bring in those buds for that much more of a comparison of led's and strains.
Funny thing is everybody keeps talking about density, as if a hort 1000 doesnt produce some dense fuckin nugs, as if that isnt the light that all are measured against when talking weight(weight and density are the same shit if you didnt know), fluffy buds are not part of the equation in this grow, this isnt a cfl vs alibaba special showdown. Iv said from the start the way I feel this will go down, I knew the led side would be frostier n prettier, but I must say, im pretty fuckin impressed with the frost on the hps, it is way closer than I thought it would be, led is obviously frostier(as if we didnt know that would happen), but damn, that hps is fuckin pretty(and fat) also. Your weekends gonna suck, hope u n mamma dont have any kids cuz shed hate this mothers day and ud be hearin about trimmin for the next 20 years