Apartment Grow

Day 22 since flip. 3 White Rhino and 1 White Widow

Day 16 since transplant they're moving slow they have spider mites I just doused them down. 1 Amnesia Auto and 3 Northern Lights Auto

And 6 cuttings taken the night before last from all 4 of the Whites
Some pics from this morning. Only have one tent operating right now I took the autos out and put them at my buddies house so we can finally get this spidermite situation under control.

3 White Rhino 1 White Widow

2 Blue Cheese and 2 Gorilla Glue #4

4 Superskunk clones

Here's a pic of the autos
And the other four transplanted, 2 blue cheese and 2 gorilla glue. I moved the light from my closet into the grow room. Those 4 are gonna stay inside.
I wish everyone luck when it comes to growing. That being said, I have read that growing in an apartment is one of the fastest ways to being discovered... that & loose lips sinking ships.

Stay safe & good luck no matter what.
Here's the babies now they're getting big, unfortunately I had to put one outside cuz it was peppered from spidermites, all of them have some mites but one was just peppered, so I've decided that I will leave the room completely empty for the summer, clean everything top to bottom a few times, and hopefully we can finally get over this issue it's been 7 months now, I have noticed that some strains are more resistant to the mites, the four I just cropped had no mites at all, and now the 4 clones dont appear to have any mites but the four that came from seed have lots of white dots.

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Here's the autos the amnesia is the one that's almost done then two phenos of northern lights

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Get you some hot shot no pest strips, and put it in the grow with any plants that don’t have flowers on them and turn your fans off for a few days during your dark period. Some people claim it’s dangerous but lots of people use them. I think as long as you don’t have any flowers present you should be good. There is a thread here somewhere about them.
I got fed up and moved all the plants outside, God damn spider mites, so now my apartment is completely empty, gonna clean er top to bottom with spray nine and then bleach/water solution and then I'm gonna leave the place empty for a month, if they come back I'll control them from the beginning there was just way too many mites those 5 that were already in flower are completely fucked almost pure white leaves.
I got both tents back up and running now, if you ever have spider mites in the outdoor grow season just put your plants outside for a couple weeks, takes care of them quick. So I had these four outside for the last two weeks before bringing them in.
Theres three little clones there too sugar black rose and two blue cheese and two gorilla glue #4 sativa pheno.

Here is the runt of the liter which was put outside way back in the beginning of June due to spider mites and ended up bigger than all the others bc they were grown indoor.
She's just starting flower it's a blue cheese
Great thread!

Going to be starting a run of at least 6 White Rhinos from seed the second week of September.

My grow is a home made tent-ish affair, inside a garage... in Wisconsin... LOL IKR?

Anyway, this thread is going to prove helpful!
What do these look like to you guys I think its actually a spider's nest that realised they look to big to be spidermites, but this plant is heavily infected by spidermites, so if these are spiders should I get rid of them 9r will they eat the mites??? @diggs99 @Renfro @hotrodharley

It's at the very top of the plant I don't see them anywhere else they are also moving way to fast to be mites.
Good job ruining someone else’s property to grow spider mites
I plan on repainting if I ever do leave, but after I get my deposit back I'll let them know we had an issue and they can fumigate, I've been here 3 years they've made enough money off me, slack ass company didn't even paint the unit when I moved in here no sweat off my back leaving them with a little work to do, not like I'm cooking meth in here.
I doubt they would notice mites if you moved out. Unless the next guy was growing pot or had house plants.

That looks like a war zone, sorry see that.
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Looks like two types of bugs on there. Maybe one is predatory? Honestly can't tell you as I am not a bug expert. Sure does look like the white bugs are eating the black ones. Maybe they are predatory mites or something?