Apartment Grow

I'm having serious second thoughts about moving I really love living alone. Idk I think I might stay here for awhile and go ahead with the closet veg room.
Hi there. Just found this thread and thought I’d check in. I’m on ig @condo_grower1.
I have a few thoughts.
I know where you got your kit from and you’ll have to swap out that carbon filter. I think mine lasted 5 months.
Landlords and condo committees can pass their own bylaws regarding cannabis. I’m an owner and they sent around a revision to the rules forbidding smoking vaping or growing. The only way around this is to become legal so that’s what I’m doing.
Stealth is the main goal. Keep your grow tight. Clean like a fanatic. Tell no one else.
Dry in your flower tent to take advantage of the carbon filter. Factor two weeks drying time into your timing for the next run.
Hit me up on ig if you have any other questions. I have 2.5 yrs experience growing in this environment.
Beautiful. But count day 1 flower when you flip. Otherwise it gets too confusing for everyone.
I've always been told that flower doesn't start till 7-10 days after flip when the first hairs come in, and that's when the seedbanks consider it started so it would be 9 weeks from there not from flip. It would be like counting the seedling stage as veg, that's just what I've gathered from many people on this site.
^ do you see how it’s confusing? I don’t know one breeder that lists day 1 as when the first hairs appear. Perhaps you can enlighten me? Those times are just guidelines anyway, as I’m sure you check the trichomes for doneness?
i personally start counting when i start to see good sized clumps of pistils. so my plants have finished stretch when i start counting for myself. when i'm posting on here, i count from when i flipped, because that's what most people seem to mean
^ do you see how it’s confusing? I don’t know one breeder that lists day 1 as when the first hairs appear. Perhaps you can enlighten me? Those times are just guidelines anyway, as I’m sure you check the trichomes for doneness?
Yes of course I check the trichomes idk if that's what breeders do I've just been told that what breeders post as the estimated flower time is more often than not from the time the first hairs appear, so if a breeder states a 9 week flower period it would usually be 10 weeks from flip. So just to clarify I will count day 1 of flower when I see at least 2 well developed pistols on each plant.
There are now quite a few hairs on all 4 so this is day 1 flower. The breeders state a 7-9 week flower period for the Northern Lights and 8-9 weeks for the Blueberry it will be interesting to see how long they take from here.
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600W MH running at 18/6 costs roughly $30 CAD to run at 10.81 cents per KWH.
That's not just calculated I actually calculated $24 with the fans and everything but the power bill is $30 higher than normal.

Edit: I think I may have calculated the avg between 12/12 and 18/6