Apartment GrowROOM


Active Member
OK I have some questions and hopefully I could get some feed back, but anyway, I have been planning on doing a little growing of my own. I have two four foot flourescents. I was also planning on getting like a 150 hps for flowering but I'm not sure if theres even evnough voltage to withstand that? SO I guess im wondering If anyone knows if that would work in an apartment. Or.....if doing it in an apartment complex is just dumb :( ? Cuz im not to sure how im gonna do the exhaustion setup so that it doesnt stink the shit out of my apartment. Considering theres not many places to face it toward. Oh and also if 150 hps should be good enough for a few plants?? Im planning on making a home made ebb and flow system FYIIII


Well-Known Member
just finished a grow in my apartment complex. the voltage should be fine to go with a 150 w hps, you could even go higher in watts in you wanted. your televison uses more watts than that would.. as for smell its hard to pump the exhaust in an attic, especially if your downstairs...there are carbon filters. to rid smell. or also a do it yourself way of using odorless kitty litter mixed with 4 cups pine sol. that will neutralize the smell to only smell like pinesol......i just the safest way and did not have a single soul at my house for 3.5 months,...good luck welcome to the community.


Active Member

Is totally right with what he was saying..
^{ Props BTW brother }^

You'll be fine with a 150w - 200w - 400w...
With your choice's of either High Pressure Sodium an Metal Halid.
I myself in the past, have also done apt grows .
Inside of a closet with a box built inside of that. :P
150hps would do alright for a small one or two plants,
An should be able to yield you enough to keep you happy...
Ive pulled off some wonderful an more then happy small grows with one or two plants,
On a S.O.G.[ sea of green ] grow, with a 200w MH.
An insane grows with the same set up useing the 400w.
I used the pulley system on all grows...150 hps..200&400HM's

The Metal Halid has a great Vegging stage, an also awesome flowering stage...
The MH results in a more bushier, thicker, an also more dense type of plant over all..
Also with the MH, the plant grows a tad bit slower, an I mean just a tad bit slower..
Which I thin is worth the wait, good things happened when you wait..
Things get fucked up , when people rush or just try to (wing it )..LOL

As where plants using the HPS seems to make the plants stretched out,a fair amount...
The plant also grows a tad bit faster, but the buds are seem alot less dense,
then you would have using a MH..

Now I have a buddy who is currently using both a 150hps an 200 MH...
Both on a pulley system.. remember the pulley system is not necessary..
He claims to be having insane results..

As far as covering up smell of a grow room...
I have used Glade room sprays, Glade plug-in's ,Candles, carbon filters , kitty litter.
They all work pretty good, I am now using the Glade plug in's threw out my house..
An I use a large [SIZE=-1]Ionic Breeze air purifier, In my office..
A twin CPU fan venting into a carbon filter ( homemade ) thing..
My grow-box is in my closet.. An I never smell a thing..
Plus I have business personal in at least once a day, an no-one even questions or smells anything that I know of..


Make sure you read up bro.. ;)
Just like school, do your homework..!!
It is so important.. you'll thank me or anyone later.
An never be intimidated or feel any awkward to ask questions....
I don't think there is one person on this forum would would argue with that..
Because It sure pays off in the end!..
( thumbs up)

Well enjoy your growing ..
I hope I helped you or someone else by typing this..
An props again to ( Smokinjs ) for his reply!
Every lil bit helps on the fourms..
An Karma points to Smokinjs..

| NRG |


Active Member
is 600 HPS for apartment to big, i mean the electricity bill go to up and start to interest someone or smth. Apartment is emty only things in use are this 600 HPS some bulbs and fans. and it will be like clock work same time all go off and on, maybe this is strange?


Active Member
Thanks guys for the replies, alot of useful info. I myself have been doing a little homework. I even tested some schwag plants just to get a little experience before I mess with some dro seeds. Which also leads me to another question. Anyone know where I can order some seeds online from the US? Because I know a lot of websites but mostly all of them say they go by country laws and its illegal in the US so.....I was wondering if they do some sort of secret packeging or something? Anywho, back to my story, so all in all I had 12 plants in pots lined up in 3 rows of four. For the lighting I had a 4 foot flourescent electronic shop light ideal for garages. It only had two 40 watt bulbs :(. Surprisingly most of these plants were growing Ok. I had them for about a month or so and some were about 4 inches tall and lookin nice eventhough i know thats not enough light. To make things worse I left out the part that I had it hooked up in the attatched garage to the apt and it wouldn't handle both light bulbs.....:( thats why i was wondering about the volts. But it had like some surge prtoector or something b/c a button would pop in the middle and the light would go out. Then i would have to push it back and replug it with only one light for it to work. But maybe thats just the garage cuz the other plugs dont have that inside. But since i was gonna just try and grow it inside I just wanna switch to a compact flourescent. I've seen some at WALMART, but I dont know which one to get or even know if they have strong enough ones there. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
CFLs can grow good bud...look for Humboldt's thread LOL

Get the higher Kelvin (6500k) for veg, lower (2700k) for flowering. You'll need a lot though....light from the sun is about 10000 lumens per square foot so you'll need about about 6-7 lights per sq foot to match that using regular 26w CFLs you can buy at Walmart


Well-Known Member
Check out my journal......I'm in an apt, but growing in the patio storage closet....
link in my journal where I got my seeds, im in tx...everything went fine. If you go with a HPS, make sure you have GREAT ventilation! Link to where I got my 2 150watters also!! Good luck!!


Active Member
{Anyone know where I can order some seeds online from the US?}

As far as I know, 95% of seeds,
An pills are seized at the docks by custom agents!
I know friends who have recently order seeds an they get a friendly letter from the custom agents, with a written statement of how you can dispute the problem in court if necessary..
Since the horrific 911 terrorist bullshit..
Everything thing is on lock down..
I remember ordering bomb seeds,[SIZE=-1] syringe's full of [/SIZE]spores for shrooming an countless bottle of pills..
Ask your friends an other smokers for good seeds..
An If you know someone who is also growing some good plants,!
Work out a deal when they are vegging for a few clones .. ;D

{I left out the part that I had it hooked up in the attached garage to the apt and it wouldn't handle both light bulbs.....:sad:
Thats why i was wondering about the volts.
But it had like some surge protector or something b/c a button would pop in the middle and the light would go out.
Then i would have to push it back and replug it with only one light for it to work.}

Ok , I'm kinda lost here, However, I think I can help bro!.
Alright, so you have two 40w fluorescent bulbs, a total of 80w's of lights right?
Two 40watt shop type tube light's in that same fixture or housing ???
An what your saying is that the lights will just go out?
An you have to hit the RESET button on the GFI outlet,
To then be able to turn the lights back on?
If that is the case I would trash those lights..
Somewhere in the flow of [SIZE=-1]electricity[/SIZE] there is a disruption of the flow..
Which trips the breaker, for safety. prevent fires.. blah blah blah...
Check out this link, it will help you understand it a-lot better..
What is a GFI outlet an How does it work? ( GFI Outlet Information )

Now as for the question of what kind of fluorescent lights..
Again Walmart.. my 1# sponsor of my all my grow rooms.
An when I say mine, I mean my own an others I have setup..
I always used these up untill a year ago..they were a 1000 watt fluorescent lamp.
Anyways, go into Walmart an go into the ( shop section or shop aisle )
Im not sure if they sell them,
but they used to have 1,000 watt fluorescent work lights..
They were around 25 bucks give or take 5$..
They came in a all white floor light,
An yes they were 1,000watts of fluorescent power!!!..

I'm sorry,
I can't not find a Google image of the lamp or a link to walmart site to show you them..
I should to be working but, Im trying to help out a fellow grower. :P
I think it took like around the area of 50-100 watts of power out of the outlet to light up the bulb...
Also they have one bulb per lamp an the bulb looks like this type...
Example bulb,
They are about 6-9inches in length an look "just like that"..
Don't used the spiral type of bulb, hey suck an are low output in lumen's..
Best part of fluorescents, it takes a tiny bit of power to get a lot of light out..
Plus they are great for vegging plants because of part of the color spectrum scale,
that fluorescents are in..
I believe, the vegging part of the spectrum is blue green?
Flowering part of the scale, is in the orange-red scale?

Well bro I hope this help you out ..
An helps out whom ever else reads this..

:joint:| N R G |


Active Member
Nice, YOu guys are awesome. Im from HOUSTON! Im bout to check out your journal to.

Thanks for the gfi info the other great info. And what i meant with my light problem was when I would switch on the two bulbs, they would just go back out in seconds as if it was to much to handle or the gfi outlet wouldnt let it? Or just faulty tubes? Either way those are going in the trash most like. Im also thinkin about either building or buying a cabinet to put the plants in, cuz im not sure IM gonna have a place to put my setup in my new apt with my gf and baby!! Unless she wants her clothes smelling like weed which she already made clear that she didn't lOL. I'm gonna go ahead and take the time right now to give a good life lesson since you guys have been helping me so much :). It's short and simple. DO not become a baby-maker till you are OLDER AND READY. kthnx LOL.

ps: I love yOU AVAH(my little girls name) <3


Well-Known Member
Check out a HydroHut or SunHut. They have all the hold you need for venting and they make a small 2x4 foot one that would be perfect for your needs. Just get a carbon filter and a 4inch fan you will be good to go. Look at my growlog in my sig and see what I have done with my 4x4 hydrohut. Everything I use cost me about $1000 but is good to go. If you get cheaper lights and small 4 inch fan you will be coming in at about $500 with the smaller hydrohut.