Apartment inspection next week!!!!help!!!


Well-Known Member
I have five plants, all about 14" tall. I have a space in my other closet behind a dresser that would be perfect to hide them. My only problem is hiding the smell.

I need suggestions plz!!!

The best thing I can come up with is putting them in big black trashbags, maybe even two for each plant. Also, going to buy a small plug-in febreeze filter to try to put a dif smell in the air.
I just use negative pressure to keep the smell from escaping into my aprtment.....i have no smell all through my aparment unless you open the tent flap....to do this you have to have your exhausted air leaving the apartment somehow and im assuming you dont just because most people dont espically people who live in aprtments tend to wip it togather shabby like ive noticed


Well-Known Member
I think just to be safe you should do it in all of the drawers. Security is key.
Would that be one shit per drawer or one shit divided amongst all the drawers? And after the inspection is over you could try to get rid of the shit smell with some of that ona gel trash.


Well-Known Member
Kill some1 and stuff the body in th closet after a few days itll mask the smell
Lol... and ill bet if they find the dead hooker they will drop the cultavation charges entirely.
Or have a tent with a filter. They cant look threw your shit. They are there to make sure the carpet hasnt been pawned.
just have the filter in the tent fan sucking from filter and boom your smell free. Plus mne make the exhaust smell kinda like a load of laundry.