
I'm just trying to help the op, with proven methods. Planting geraniums next year isn't going to help his problem now. Peace
I've got salmon to catch
i only know of a deterant and only for non flowering plants. so it works in soil, you could make a spray for aphids out of them and folier spray your plants if your grtowing hydro ( but wait for someone with hydro knollage b4 trying anything., it also would add potassium fo the plant to store up for flowering, but Burying banana peels an inch will deter aphids and slowly raise the potassium levels.
i know its an old thread, but thaught it might be worth re invigorating the subject
i only know of a deterant and only for non flowering plants. so it works in soil, you could make a spray for aphids out of them and folier spray your plants if your grtowing hydro ( but wait for someone with hydro knollage b4 trying anything., it also would add potassium fo the plant to store up for flowering, but Burying banana peels an inch will deter aphids and slowly raise the potassium levels.
i know its an old thread, but thaught it might be worth re invigorating the subject
What's the spray that you use