aphrodites extraction ..nectar from the gods

This is the problem with growstores, they sell people rebranded stuff that they don't need. Don't shop where your friends buy their bullshit general hydroponics nutes and bags of Fox farm. Go to the nurserys and garden center's where your mom buys her flowers.
...you know that would be great if anything like that was around here....yeah u can buy flowers but that's ity man.. the closest place I can go and buy orgainc nursery soil or any kind of Shit like that is over 140 miles....no need to bust my balls ...I will stick with molasses. ..I just wanted to know if anyone had fucked with it before and how the results were...and btw the only place around here u can even by a bad of ff Is over 70 mi. And u can only get o.f....I have to order a lot of my supplies...and I went out two weeks ago and started my compost pile so I won't have to rely on others as much for what I need....I will probably still but ewc but Id say the next thing on my list is a worm bin....I'm actually going to build a frame to put some plastic on so I can keep all the rain out of my pile here I'm a few min...its been too wet in the past few days
...you know that would be great if anything like that was around here....yeah u can buy flowers but that's ity man.. the closest place I can go and buy orgainc nursery soil or any kind of Shit like that is over 140 miles....no need to bust my balls ...I will stick with molasses. ..I just wanted to know if anyone had fucked with it before and how the results were...and btw the only place around here u can even by a bad of ff Is over 70 mi. And u can only get o.f....I have to order a lot of my supplies...and I went out two weeks ago and started my compost pile so I won't have to rely on others as much for what I need....I will probably still but ewc but Id say the next thing on my list is a worm bin....I'm actually going to build a frame to put some plastic on so I can keep all the rain out of my pile here I'm a few min...its been too wet in the past few days
Sorry if I sounded unhelpful, I want to help. You've got to have some big box stores within 20 miles. Menards? Home Depot? Lowe's? Meijers? Wal mart? Let me know what you got near by and I'll get you a grocery list. Look up landscape suppliers in your area as well! There's got to be one. Unless you live in Arizona???
The closest thing to me is Wal mart ..it's 28 mi....and I'm banned from it lol..no home depo for ...hell idek...a ways...and the closest lows is about 65 mi..iv never even seen a Meijers my man..honestly..I have a tractor supply I buy my fence from...and the ace hardware that carries the ff of has a few things...but it's not close at all....I think we have 1 hydro store in the state and it's not worth a cunt full of cold piss dude.
I order almost all my supple from worms way...they usually give me a good deal in shit....I plan on oderING a lot of meals and other compost materials off the web over the summer...all of the rest of my supplies are usually made...I'm pretty crafty when need be....
I have a place called crazy harrys here...idk if it's in other states but I have seen a few in my state...they sell flowers ..shrubs...garden plants ...but they don't sell soil...I'll have to check with em to seemed where they get it from...
I have a place called crazy harrys here...idk if it's in other states but I have seen a few in my state...they sell flowers ..shrubs...garden plants ...but they don't sell soil...I'll have to check with em to seemed where they get it from...
Damn that's insane man, where do you buy food??

It sounds like you do have some options though potentially! The only thing you might get screwed on is if your stores only carry miracle gro brand (they put synthetic fertilizers even in their base products). But a lot of people are wary of chemical Fertilizer these days so most stores will make a point to carry at least one non Miracle-Gro brand.

The Tractor supply store would probably be a good start. Ace hardware too. Any home improvement or large grocery store should have a gardening section, especially right now when the outdoor gardening season is starting. Any place that sells vegetable starts or seeds would be a great place to go to. They won't have bags of ocean forest, but they should have all the base ingredients to make your own organic soil.

Spaghnam peat moss. This comes in everything from 2.2 or 3.8 compressed cubic feet bales, and also smaller half cubic feet bags.

Perlite. I get 4 Cubic feet sized bags at a local landscape supplier for 20 bucks a pop (amazing deal) sounds like you won't be that lucky unfortunately. You should be able to get a hold of some cubic foot of half cubic foot bags though. If they do not have perlite but do have vermiculite, that'll do. It provides aeration differently, but it's still aeration.

Compost/worm castings...this is one of those well it would be nice but we can work around the lack of these if necessary. Anyway, worm castings. They are great, encap started adding worm castings to their line of garden products and that brand is carried in big box garden stores so you might find some, you might not. They can also get expensive. Definitely set up your own worm bin. I recently set mine up and am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. I didn't even have to order my worms online, the local bait and tackle shop sells red wigglers.

Compost however, you should be able to get a hold of some compost. Any store should have it. If they don't, call your trash service. Odds are they have a recycling program, and they also probably have a compost program. If they won't sell it directly to customers I'm sure they'll direct you to the landscape or garden supplier that they sell it to. If you have grass on the lawns of your city then there has to be compost somewhere!

That stuff should make up your main mix

1 part peat moss
1 part perlite
1 part compost

If you got worm castings I would just top dress with them unless you can get them for cheap. Then sub them in for the compost.

Dolomite Lime. Also sold as garden lime, or soil sweetener. Just don't buy hydrated lime. You don't need a huge bag but some garden center's sell it in huge bags. It's just for raising the pH in the peat moss, you won't need much. I mix in about 1 and a half Tablespoons per five gallons of mix.

That's your main stuff, you won't have to check the pH of your water and you'll have some fertilization from the compost and or castings.

Moving onto amendments, there are some that would be amazing to have, but odds are these might be out of your reach.

Get these if you can :
Kelp Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Fish bone meal
Oyster Shell Flour
Granular humic acid
Bat Guano of all varieties

Those are in a perfect world though. You're probably going to have to settle. You should be able to find:

Bone Meal
Blood meal
Chicken manure

Let me know what you can find and I can give you some soil mix advice! I've grown with all these things with great success!
I get 4 cf bags of perlite for 25 atm..I have 2 or 3 right now...big n chunky...I was thinking of going to buy a bunch of bails of p.m from lowes ...it will be worth the trip....I'm working on my own compost pile...I am also setting g in 120 lbs of castings right now...as for chicken shit...I just literally came back from a town that has a process g plant in it and a pile of chicken farms...I am going to ask them if I can back the trick up to the doors and steal the poop...and as for local compost piles..nope...I don't live near any cities...more like a medium town.....and I myself live in bfe...for real ...I use to work in the coal mines and we would use rock dust on the ribs to keep the coal dust down...I think it's limestone...it comes in 50lb brown paper bags...I can get a fuck ton of that shit....I have access to farms that have sheep..cows..and horses...the place that has the sheep are my grandparents ...and the soil on that farm is as black as coal. .I know it's good stuff..I was thinking if using some of it for my bag seed plants and mixing the rest in the compost pile...I can make a lot of stuff outa fish and fish scraps and I'm gonna try grinding craw crab shells and add them to the pile ...I have a bunch of lime I had forgot about at a old rental house of ours..would you use any of the plants that grow in ponds to make teas or add to the compost pile..I'm sure that would have some kinda trace elements like kelp or something...I'd wash it off first...I plan on buying a lot of kelp meal and a few other meals and flowers to make compost with...I'll eventually have all the shit u listed plus more..a lot more in my pile ..I plan on making the absolute best compost I can make outa all the good shit iv been reading about on here and see what happens
I get 4 cf bags of perlite for 25 atm..I have 2 or 3 right now...big n chunky...I was thinking of going to buy a bunch of bails of p.m from lowes ...it will be worth the trip....I'm working on my own compost pile...I am also setting g in 120 lbs of castings right now...as for chicken shit...I just literally came back from a town that has a process g plant in it and a pile of chicken farms...I am going to ask them if I can back the trick up to the doors and steal the poop...and as for local compost piles..nope...I don't live near any cities...more like a medium town.....and I myself live in bfe...for real ...I use to work in the coal mines and we would use rock dust on the ribs to keep the coal dust down...I think it's limestone...it comes in 50lb brown paper bags...I can get a fuck ton of that shit....I have access to farms that have sheep..cows..and horses...the place that has the sheep are my grandparents ...and the soil on that farm is as black as coal. .I know it's good stuff..I was thinking if using some of it for my bag seed plants and mixing the rest in the compost pile...I can make a lot of stuff outa fish and fish scraps and I'm gonna try grinding craw crab shells and add them to the pile ...I have a bunch of lime I had forgot about at a old rental house of ours..would you use any of the plants that grow in ponds to make teas or add to the compost pile..I'm sure that would have some kinda trace elements like kelp or something...I'd wash it off first...I plan on buying a lot of kelp meal and a few other meals and flowers to make compost with...I'll eventually have all the shit u listed plus more..a lot more in my pile ..I plan on making the absolute best compost I can make outa all the good shit iv been reading about on here and see what happens
Sounds like you've got a good plan for your compost my man!

You can use those Fish scraps to make your own hydroslate! There's a good how to on this forum. You pretty much just let Fish scraps, water, and Molasses ferment in a five gallon bucket then strain it off. Then you just dilute it the same way you'd dilute a bottle of fish emulsion or Neptune's Harvest.

It's sounds like you don't need to spend shit on Fertilizer! Make yourself some fish hydroslate. Use those worm castings you ordered until you got your compost ready. If you can harvest your own Kelp then add it to your compost pile and don't worry about adding any to your mix. You can also make your own Liquid Kelp Fertilizer, there's some good how to videos on YouTube.

And the peat moss will definitely be worth your trip.

If you can get a hold of some red wiggler worms, a worm bin is awesome but if you've got a cheap bait and tackle shop I would throw them on your compost pile too!
How much worm castings do u usually get outa a bin....u can give me the dimensions of one and the amount they produce so I can get an idea
How much worm castings do u usually get outa a bin....u can give me the dimensions of one and the amount they produce so I can get an idea
I'm only a week into my worm bin set up or else I'd have some better info for ya. But I'm doing something unique with my worm bin.

Most people try to compost materials, I'm trying to create the perfect Fertilizer for my garden. So instead of using paper and cardboard for bedding I'm using black peat. You could also use compost. It just has to be an already heavily decomposed matter. Then instead of feeding my worms kitchen scraps I'm feeding them organic garden amendments.

Bone meal
Oyster Shell Flour
Kelp Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Dolomite Lime

I use a ten gallon bin with air and drainage holes drilled into it. It sits in another bin for drainage. I put in five gallons of black peat, mix in my amendments with it, then plop in a half pound of red wiggler worms (about 150-200 worms). The worms eat a pound and a half of food a week. I mix in new amendments every week. I'm gonna do it for 2-4 weeks (I'm running a few bins to experiment). By the end the five gallons of black peat should be turned into five gallons of the best worm castings the world has ever seen. Or maybe it'll just be fertilized peat lol. I'm sending samples to MSU for analysis so I know for sure! I'm posting my results in the vermicomposters unite forum but I'll post them here for you too. I'm only a week in but I'll have results in two or three weeks!
That sounds like a good idea man...I have really been wanting to make myself one for awhile...lol I use to have a wash tub buried in the grouND to save nightcrawlers I would catch for fishing...I use to just toss in coffee grounds and some veggie scraps...my dad mighta fed em something for all I know...I was only 10 or 12 ...let me know for sure what the tests say bub
I'm sorry for sounding like a twat here, but I've just been looking at the marketing bumpf, they're selling sugar water for $21 a liter(or quart, near enough), they can afford to reduce it to $6 because it probably contains $1 worth of sugar and water, keep supporting them, I bought these products for years from hydro stores, they do work....yes....but there are a lot cheaper alternatives if you do your research, ok you paid $6 this time, but it's $21 normally for the smallest bottle
You guys talk without even having information on the product. Aphrodites is made from high fat milk, not from cane sugar and water.