Apollo Series LED panels from Cidly

Here I did two conversions to be save so nothing could be changed, let me know if I am reading this correctly.....notice the large difference in some area for the 12 and the 10. Further away the 12 trumps then closer the 10 kills, kind of interesting.....Also remember I would be getting 2 of whatever I buy, so light needs only to cover 3 feet sideways. XD

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so we are back to thinking A10s for you then?! thats my call anyways
My quote above a couple post is for this light spectrum.....8x660nm, 3x630nm, 2x460nm, 1x410nm, 1x12000K. I light it because it offers some variety but heavy on flower also how many plants you gonna do Pop? Big what did you think of those figures in the pictures?

EDIT for above: I am starting to think that the 10's would do it but maybe that the 12's would really push quality AND quanity at the same time, The lights would obv be in the middle of the tent and space, so each light just needs to cover 2.5 to 3 feet sideways as the vertical height would be no problem, it really comes down to again finding someone with a A10 or A12 to give me some concrete info but based on the chart 12 would kill and 10's would "do the job"

7 660
4 630
1 460
1 440
2 2700k

i am more drawn to these figures and thanks for the help. I like the two whites to hit more broad spectrum.

Sanibel, I use to flouro so I scrog two plants at a time in my 3x3 with ok bud but I think an led would be an upgrade. I was hoping to get away with one light like the a10. But if coverage is not quite there then I don't mind going with two a8s at these price points. I also thank that since I scrog and try to keep an even canopy that maybe the 120 degree lenses are fine to spread light a little more. Let me know what you guys think.
40W/ft^2 as they say for LEDs. Ive got 9'^2 and 560W. =62W/ft^2 and a PAR of 800 or better. Id say Im all set. just hoping my spectrum is good. the broader and more diverse the spectrum, the better. so if you can get a 7 band instead of 5... but Id assume 5 band is nearly as good.
7 660
4 630
1 460
1 440
2 2700k
i am more drawn to these figures and thanks for the help. I like the two whites to hit more broad spectrum.

Im very interested to see the results from this spectrum as it was my first conclusion but I went with a more broad spectrum in the end.
My quote above a couple post is for this light spectrum.....8x660nm, 3x630nm, 2x460nm, 1x410nm, 1x12000K. I light it because it offers some variety but heavy on flower also how many plants you gonna do Pop? Big what did you think of those figures in the pictures?

you might be a bit red heavy. they say if you are going to go that heavy on reds to broaden the spectrum a bit. then again, Im only going on what people here say.. no evidence of any of it on my part. thanx for the numbers btw... I don't have much to say about the numbers really. good to know. what info are you hoping I have there? :)
Im very interested to see the results from this spectrum as it was my first conclusion but I went with a more broad spectrum in the end.

Well big slick you got me thinking now. I think your right that a little broader spectrum would be better. I think i may have to go back to your first 7 band recommendation and think about that. I may have missed it but have done a grow with your two a8 setup? If so were you happy with how it went. Again at these price points I don't mind running two a8 to get up around that 64 watt per square. If I run a single a10 I am at 40 watts square but I can see more being better.
my A8s are in production right now. should be done today or tomorrow and then shipped to Canada from China. so Im a ways off from giving my honest opinion just yet. as of right now, my honest opinion is that no one can touch Cidly on price of a custom spectrum LED grow light. there may be newer tech and/or better tech in the current line of LEDs coming out, but the industry is in its infancy still, so we have to just jump in somewhere and get some personal results to go on.

kind of like computers... you can buy the newest components for a premium and they are outdated within a month... doesn't mean the older components don't work. just means they are going to be cheaper for a small cut on efficiency at a huge savings on the wallet.
you might be a bit red heavy. they say if you are going to go that heavy on reds to broaden the spectrum a bit. then again, Im only going on what people here say.. no evidence of any of it on my part. thanx for the numbers btw... I don't have much to say about the numbers really. good to know. what info are you hoping I have there? :)

How you do the math with the wattage above I just want to make sure I am doing it right and dont mislead myself! Looks liek I will prob have to broaden the spectrum a little...

Edit found this.....

1 730
6 660
4 630
1 460
1 435
1 2700k
1 12k

you "found" my spectrum? lol.

which math? watts/ft^2?

Ya I am special today, derping around lol... 5ft^2 then the 860 watts of a 12's i get 34.5w but at say 4.5ft^2 with the 860 I get 42.2 so that is pretty solid covers for what 95% of a 5x5 wattage wise at least.

What do you think of that spectrum above?

Ya I bet, the HPS would basically be gone after I get the LED's along with some other fans that eat power to cool it to make up for the power difference. I mean it cant get worse than the HPS by gaining 260 watts lol, I just bet quality will just be amazing since I get great quality now it will just offer and incredible product with the same quantity if not more since there are more spectrums....

Edit for above: Ya i have heard of that but with no results seen yet = /, this is yours with the change to 6500 which from looks of spectrum is better than the higher K this might be a finalist
1 730
6 660
4 630
1 460
1 435
1 2700k
1 6500k

yesI would sub in the 6500k as well if I didnt have a 200W 6400k CFL already. but Im certainly thinking about getting 1 mostly white LED for a later scrog.