I had an experience today that changed my life.
I was talking to a family. They were a mixed family.
Wife was black, husband was chinese, and i dont know what the fuck the kids were.
Anyway, they were really nice. But that woman and I had an in depth conversation. Eventually it turned to politics, and then the achievement gap in this country. She was a real estate agent.
She was so smart.
Guys, I'm not going to try to pretend to sum up that conversation, it would get tl; Dr real quick.
I no longer believe that black people are created inferior.
I know many of you won't believe this. And if there is interest in the story I may tell it.
But that is one of the most awesome people I've ever met.
I was talking to a family. They were a mixed family.
Wife was black, husband was chinese, and i dont know what the fuck the kids were.
Anyway, they were really nice. But that woman and I had an in depth conversation. Eventually it turned to politics, and then the achievement gap in this country. She was a real estate agent.
She was so smart.
Guys, I'm not going to try to pretend to sum up that conversation, it would get tl; Dr real quick.
I no longer believe that black people are created inferior.
I know many of you won't believe this. And if there is interest in the story I may tell it.
But that is one of the most awesome people I've ever met.