Well-Known Member
They were front men for United Defense and the rest of the complex Ike warned of.When Bush was supposidly made aware of the "terror attack" on 9/11 he was sitting like a retard in a kids school reading a book upside down.
Dick Cheney when hunting (for fowl it would seem, apologies for one unimportant inaccuracy) shot his friend in 06.
Its just hard to believe these two retards are who the Illuminati chose to run the US?
Its an obvious and poor deception.
Unlike Hitler and the Krupps et al, that symbiosis worked well largely because they were imbeciles.
Stupidity seems to be part of the job description. Just wait till they try to make Rubio prez down the line. The GOP will need a brown face and Jindal wouldn't be malleable. Besides he actually seems to have a brain.
It's like theatre. Comic really if not for the disaster left in the wake.