Apple cider vinegar


Well-Known Member
Ok, i want to see if anyone else has run into this. No its not an issue, im actually relieved. Anyways, when i first tried using the apple cidar vinegar, the ph shot up really shortly after using in the water reservoir, anyways...i didnt like that one i found another version but its raw unfiltered and organic apple cider vinegar. This stuff take a little extra to get the ph into place seems it actually holds the ph level in place for once..i was transplanting pretty late into the night and ended up passing out. Woke up and the ph was the exact same 8 hours later. Didnt rise up what so ever. Actually it lowered itself from 6.5 overnight to 6.4 and is steady. Its by bragg i believe off hand.
Right now im using stepwell super soil, bragg apple cidar vinegar for ph down, and gaia green for nutrients as a top dressing which they seem to absolutely love.
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If interested, i found a product that seems to work long term and is totally safe for organics. Its by TNB natural ph down. Its really strong though so be aware of that. But between that and their ph up its much easier and better