Applying Mychoriza to autos


I have some granulated mychoriza in my supplement line-up for upcoming autogrow.

Do I spread it on top or work some into the soil (lightmix)? I'm starting the seed in final 5gallon pot, so I'm somewhat confused :)

Is it beneficial to add some later in veg or bloom?

both home brew beer yeast,

spread 2 tablespoons on top

then mix well in, water lightly

then forget,

any future white smears on top will be the M_Fungi web growing

yes its beneficial, but works best with large grows in grow plots

its the plants internet, and boosts communication and nutes

in pots it improves nute uptake

good luck
Thanks Vostok!

So in my 5g pots there's no need to add more later in the cycle? Just 2tbl before putting the seed in?

I'm trying to keep it simple. No 14 bottles of AN nutes :)

Biobizz Lightmix soil with Mykos, GHE Micro/Bloom, Biobizz Fish Mix and Epsom was the idea
The deal is ...look after the soil the plant will look after itself

I often pre-pare pots with soil etc, as long as 6 months before hand

even water one time per week lightly,

after 7-14 days a white shit will grow on top, thats ur M_Fungi

not many here would call that an essential addition

but I do, as it helps and maintains ur plant rootzone excerbate(root sweat)

how the rest of your bottled sewage affects the Ph of ur soil and the fungi itself is another thread

see it as the M_Fungi is the key and the Contents of ur soil the lock, bashing that lock with your bottles sewage

an't good for either soil or plant, consider a proper study into organic teas, and save you dollars too

good luck
The organic tea's I find is more expencive then basic botteled sewage :)

Organic compost, wormcastings, bat guano, bird guano, seaweed, humic acid, fulvic acid and molasses isn't cheap.

But thanks for your advise on the mykos and I will be newbie-ing my way around best I can :) :)
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