APPRECIATION for RIU plus a couple noob q's


Well-Known Member
32 watt is the best
whoever suggested not to use HPS because of the light color but would rather use a weak ass cfl just because its blue spectrum? I would rather grow with a HID ANY day of the year as opposed to weak cfl the HID will produce much better just because of WAY higher LUMEN output fuck the spectrum. Plants grown the entire way with HPS is going to outgrow and produce more than the CFL dont waste your money. The light is too far away as well get it closer and blow a fan accross the top of plants to reduce the heat. The plants are not going to be 4 ft if you lower the lights and if they get close just bend the stem over until it snaps almost and it will grow upright within a couple of hours, look up super cropping. Good luck and spend money on ventilation you will need for odor control. I would not waste my time buying anything less than 250w that you already have. Cmon a fucking 32 watt clf over a HID thats 250w? just becuause of light spectrum? You are fine with what you already have and if I bought anything it would be a 400w, next ballast you get you should always get one that will do both MH and HPS then you would have your blue spectrum, but dont go down the cfl road as beginner you want the most from your harvsest and you are NOT going to produce as much with cfl. YOu have to be REALLY good to get same results by perfect feeding and no fuck ups where as HID are putting out so many more lumens that you get the distance correct and it will take care of the rest. If I have to choose whats closests to actual sunlight its dam sure not a cfl bulb. Sorry if I offended any cfl users out there but for new person who already has HID its not good advice to stray him away, clf for additional light coverage maybe but thats it IMO, also you should be growing autoflowers or Indica dominant strains to keep from getting too tall and keep flower times shortest possible. STay away from sativa or you will be waiting and waiting and waitng and it definitely be tall as shit
he wasn't recommending cfl's, they were floro's. But i always get mixed reviews about verging with the hps, so the 42 watt cfl was free so i just added it to veg due to blue spectrum, but was concerned with only those 2 lights. So you think the hps and cfl will do fine for the veg? And what about the humidity dome question? from your experience should i use that, or is the seed in the rockwool from start ok? Thanks for your input any help is great.


Well-Known Member
i never told him not to use it, i just dont know how it would do in veg with a red spec light, iv always used HO blue fluorescent for veg, and with plants that small there is a good possibility they will be burned from a HID, depending on how much vert space he has, vert space was a issue if im not mistaken
yes vert space is an issue, but only as a plant height restriction kinda thing, my plants only have 3 feet of space basically because of the light that has to hang where it is because of a horribly built shelf in their that someone made before me.


Well-Known Member
if you blow a fan between top of plants and lights and dump the air from the grow spot several times a minute heat wont be an issue. I dont like the domes I found cloning much easier in solo cups half filled with soil and covered with plastic wrap after a good misting. This small greenhouse is much simpler than the dome which I had to constanly monitor to make sure it did not rot my plants. The cups I dont have to do anything with after putting in my grow room indirectly under a 400w HPS I can see the condensation on top of cup and know I dont have to even check in week or two I will see the foliage stand tall then remove the plastic and after confirming roots I transplant into anohter cup filled all the way this time and let them grow for another week or two I also sit the cups on top of potted plants so the foliage is at same level and they dont stretch. Its probably better to grow with the floros and then move to HID for flower but you will get faster growth with more powerful light and since you already own the HID I say you have everything you need and if anything increase to 400 from 250 and handle the heat and enjoy bigger yield