Approximate Yield

I don’t know what to believe with two extremely different responses x sarcasm. Can someone tell the honest truth, please.

I don't know how to answer a question while looking at super underdeveloped buds. The answer to that question lies in your plant, and she can't really speak with words.
Is it possible to estimate the approximate yield for the plant in the picture.
Indoor plant - I found the seed so I am unsure if it is an Autoflower or not.
Week 2 of flower
PH advanced Nutrients
If you didnt have to change the lights to 12/12 and it started flowering its an auto. If you had to change the lights its a photo periord. As far as yield my first plant was roughly the same size and I got 2.89 Ounces dry weight at harvest. Mine was an auto. As far as an estimate, that really cant be done as there are so many factors that go into how much yield you get that you really cant ball park it. Depending on the genetics, which you sadly dont know, you can guess a range IF you know the genetics. If you dont it could be any where from 1/2 ounce(if its stunted or poor genetics) all the way up to 6+ ounces. there is really no way to know for sure.
I don’t know what to believe with two extremely different responses x sarcasm. Can someone tell the honest truth, please.
No. There is know way to project your future harvest without more information then you have provided mostly genetic that you don't know.
Root mass is the biggest factor (other then genetics) affecting yield, so pot size and veg time would help give an idea of an expected range. The only way to accurately project a harvest is to run clones of the same mother over and over under the same conditions.
About a pound is a cultivators joke to noobs asking to project future harvest.