April 1st approved changes to mmmp law

Does section 8 defense help a patient if he suffers from anxiety and the pot doctor who certified him keeps fucking with him on a grow forum?
What's it called when a doctor helps diagnose a patient, then later starts trying to hurt the patients recovery on purpose? I've been trying to figure this out.
Please help.
I believe that's called EVIL?
I believe I read that sec 8 was enough medication to 'insure an uninterrupted supply' not "only enough medication to treat your condition" or should we expect to see that next from your friends in LE??

Quite true. But in a section 8 hearing you have to prove it. 12/2.5 oz is 'presumed' under the law to be medical use, but if that is exceeded it must be justified. The feds give 8.3 oz a month to their patients, so an argument can be made by a good attorney supported by a doc. The problem comes in when you say you need x ounces, especially if it is a large number, and don't have good backing to 'prove it' to the jury. We are working with one that had 1000 grams. He was heading to make oil for his cancer patients, the oil maker took 1000 grams, the patients were well documented, he was caught on the road between his house and the oil extractor, etc. The attorneys, an expert oil maker, the doctors, and even each individual patient were needed to testify.

Saying 'section 8' is not like holding up a cross to a vampire. There is a lot to it.

Dr. Bob
I need some sleep.
I have physical therapy in the morning though and I'm worried.:cry:
How do I know that doctor isn't going to just get drunk and talk crazy shit to me too? :shock:
Why can't we have legit discussion here without taking personal shots? Come on guys we are way better than this!!!
Getting back to the discussion, the new laws that go into effect Monday. Most of them were just housekeeping. The 20 day rule went to 20 'business days' rather than calendar days. Outdoor grows were defined and specific design features (attach to ground, secure with locks, not in view of neighbors, covered, etc), 2 year cards, etc. Bad thing is no felons as caregivers (with some exceptions and a 10 year sundown), and telemedicine is restricted.

Most of it is pretty straightforward. The good news is that the registry wasn't opened to LEO beyond what is already available, and there were several things that were tidied up, such as the outdoor grow issue. The 2 year cards and new conditions panel was also a major plus.

On the later note, I worked with a patient to do a new conditions request for bipolar disorder. The patient put quite a bit of work into it and produced a well referenced 300 page notebook of supporting evidence. It is being polished and prepped for presentation as we speak. I'm interested in working with someone that is just as passionate about chronic persistent anxiety and is willing to research it if there is anyone willing.

Dr. Bob
Funny, in a sad way. We keep joking about a RIU cup or some sort of get together, and doc is always advertising. Maybe, we could load up the BBQ and bongs and all go get re certified on the same day. Either he treats us with respect and and we treat him with respect. Or he really does have no respect for the plant and the patient and we would be able to look him in the eye in discuss it?

I need some sleep.
I have physical therapy in the morning though and I'm worried.:cry:
How do I know that doctor isn't going to just get drunk and talk crazy shit to me too? :shock:
Prob laugh.

Dr. Bob
Your signature has been removed from your posts. You are Dr. Bob here on rollitup.org. Are you also Dr. Robert Townsend D.O.? Are you the Dr. Robert Townsend D.O. that does medical marihuana certifications in Marquette Mi?