Up north in lake county just trying to figure out the perfect time to put my plants outdoors? Thanks.

Its 12:04 minutes. In seven days after that it will be 12:22. The plants are not so "black and white" like humans. They will know that the days are getting longer. By the time the plant gets over the shock from indoors / outdoors the light will be pushing 13 hours. April 5th your looking at 13 hours. I like the two weeks for my plant to root in, and get ready for the sun.
Now all this changes if you live where its shady / tress in the way.
These are things you can figure out your self. I am just telling you what its like where I am near.
that wrong.. any plant will notice a move in hours of light. from 10 to 9 or 20- to 19. wheather it slow or fast. that plant will start to flower^
This is true, but not gold. You can keep your lights at 14 hours to get them ready for the shorter days. There is no need to take a plant that was indoors at 20 hours a day right outside for 13 hour light. However you can keep it at 20, then slowly back it down to 14 - 13 for a while to get the plants ready for out doors .... Common sense also works magic.
Common sense is knowing the topic you are trying to discuss and also having personal experience. I actually have experience on this topic and know that sexually mature plants put out in early spring (in my case may or earlier) will go into flower. This is due to the lack of hours of light per day. Like I have already mentioned, you can start seedlings outdoors very early in the spring, as they take time to become sexually mature, by which time the length of light each day has increased. Plants will go into flower with more then 12/12 lighting, They will flower with 13 hours of light and some right up to 14 hours of light. Experienced outdoor growers know for a fact, not to put out sexually mature plants like clones until later in the spring, June in my case. They know this because it is a complete waste of time to have a plant go into flower, then slowly start to re-veg, slowing the overall vegging process by weeks, resulting in a lower yeild. In my experience re-vegged plants do not have vigorous growth and are much smaller and or stunted plants. As you said, slowly decreasing the hours of light per day, is not going to do anything, Once the plant is fully outdoors, it will still perceive the hours of light outdoors, which in early spring will cause the plant to go into flower. Now thats some golden information^
This is true, but not gold. You can keep your lights at 14 hours to get them ready for the shorter days. There is no need to take a plant that was indoors at 20 hours a day right outside for 13 hour light. However you can keep it at 20, then slowly back it down to 14 - 13 for a while to get the plants ready for out doors .... Common sense also works magic.