Aqua Globes? Say Whaaat?


Well-Known Member
Hey, me, too. Unknown variety from 5th gen. clones, one went male and it was missed. I'm getting a rather surprising array of phenotypes. :D


Well-Known Member
But how tacky is a 1 liter Pepsi bottle sticking out of your pot? Lol :D

and i can see it a now, a commericial on tv for a pepsi two liter at the store and right at the end it says, oh and you can also use it to water your marijuana plants when you go on vaction.




Well-Known Member
idk if it works, but it looks like it's constantly bubbling. Which means it's always dripping. Which means it'll empty in like 2 minutes. What a waste of money!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't constantly bubble. Just when the soil is dry and there is air to be relased. I saw one of these for sale on the counter in my local hydro shop. I didn't pay it much attention though. It wasn't this brand, a different one. But I am interested in if it works or not.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I have used them, they suck! hands down... They definitly look cool though, like glass bowls emerging from your soil, lol, i joked i was growing bowls as well.

But they hardly drip like it shows, after like a week their is barely any of their resivoir drained, the water just sits in it for the most part. I usually have to tap it or shake it. But it does give me a little reassurance when I am away, and one of my plants is a very thirsty girl so she gets that one.

I attached a pic with Andrea (thirsty girl) and her little watering bulb thing.

It was a gift, wouldnt buy one myself if I were any of you, unless you just think they look cool.

You can see it in the corner to the left of the hygrometer

and notice how she still looks thirsty, shes never done drinking, and those clearly aren't working.



Well-Known Member
I have used them, they suck! hands down... They definitly look cool though, like glass bowls emerging from your soil, lol, i joked i was growing bowls as well.

But they hardly drip like it shows, after like a week their is barely any of their resivoir drained, the water just sits in it for the most part. I usually have to tap it or shake it. But it does give me a little reassurance when I am away, and one of my plants is a very thirsty girl so she gets that one.

I attached a pic with Andrea (thirsty girl) and her little watering bulb thing.

It was a gift, wouldnt buy one myself if I were any of you, unless you just think they look cool.

You can see it in the corner to the left of the hygrometer

and notice how she still looks thirsty, shes never done drinking, and those clearly aren't working.

Looks like you shoved it in there a ways? I have to admit, they do look nice, but by the sound of it they're strictly ornamental. Thanks for letting me know! :blsmoke: