Aqua Globes!!


Well-Known Member
It'd keep the moisture consistent. I dont those are really viable though. Too big, would block light from some of the plant.


New Member
My grandma used a product like this for years in her flower pots, They do work, but as stated before, don't know how viable they would be. Try some and let us know how well they work.


Well-Known Member
The one problem I have with AquaGlobe:

The marijuana plant is a hardy semi-tropical plant. As a result it does not wish to have wet feet. Also in allowing your soil to dry in between waterings you encourage bigger stronger root development. The AquaGlobe keeps the water level in your soil at a constant. This poses three problems for use with marijuana plants. 1) Marijuana plants do not require or even desire constant waterings. 2) If your soil is dense it can cause regional saturation (only parts of the container to be always wet), or total flooding. This leads to root rot and fungus. Or 3) Your soil drains too fast (lots of perilit to allow your roots to breath) and causes the globe to empty in hours.

I must admitt, this is my ASSUMPTION as I have never tried the product. And If I was leaving for 7 days I would propbably use one. But as a piece of daily plant equipment, I would leave it out. :peace: