AQUATEC booster pump question for Aeroponic use



I have been researching "true" aeroponics for a vegetable garden I'd like to try in a few months (don't hate me:).

Well it turns out I already have an Aquatec 8800 and stainless steel solenoids. I currently have a big saltwater aquarium that I am selling when I move into a new house, so I will be using the solenoids and Aquatec pump from the RO system in my Aero build. Unless of course I decide aero is too much trouble and decide to try a RDWC using one of my big Sequence pumps as a NeedleWheel venturi. Curious to see the foamy bubbles it can make. Back to Aero!!

For the Aquatec, normally they are just a booster pump, hooked to 40psi city water on one side. I assume that's what the product stats are based on. It says it can boost pressure by 40-110psi. But I see alot of people saying around here that you need 120-150 psi. but those same people recommend the Aquatec.....

am I missing something? are these folks actually not using a true "res", and instead actually hooking up directly to tapwater, and using some kind of irrigation fertilizer injection, combined with an accumulation tank????

Or do the Aquatecs actually perform fine as a completely stand-alone pump (with accumulator for short timings of course)???

Do you need to position the res higher than the pump to give it a few feet of backpressure???

I feel like I should know this since I've had the 8800 for years, but it's a totally different application.

Thanks for reading!!


Well-Known Member
Aquatecs perform fine as a standalone pump, they will happily lift water from at least 3ft below pump height so there`s no need to raise the res.
Adding the accumulator will take the strain off the pump and provide a more stable, higher flow capacity.
There`s no shame in growing normal veg using true aero, if its located outside its just more of a challenge :)


Ok, great to know, thanks!

Next I just need to figure out how big of an accumulator tank I would need. There's a 1L Jab with quick connect fittings that looks tempting, but I wonder if 1L is too small and would still cycle the pump on pretty much every spray? Would a 1 or 2 gallon size be better? I know you probably need to know water timings and number of plants to answer accurately, but I really don't know yet. So maybe bigger to be safer?

and doh! turns out my 1/4" solenoids won't be too useful unless I want to add needless restrictions. Better get a 3/8" version.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how big a chamber you want to service and whether its indoors or outside. I use a 6.6gal (25L) accumulator with a 350gal outdoor chamber, the pump runs 3 times a day.