Archive Seed Bank

I don't know about you fellas but I won't spend another dime over there. He's letting everyone know that if he got busted he's giving the laws all his customers information that's growing in illegal states. That's why I never ship beans to my house ever.
I guess the owner doesn't realize that he has revealed his true character to the world.This is the type of person who,if growing in an illegal state would turn his crew in just to shave a few years off.....If you have a conscience and empathy(you know,a decent human being),you want to suffer alone and spare your fellow man
But all he's doing is opening hisself up to get scammed even more watch.

It'll go down like that. I can't imagine that there was that many scammers. What this means is that they ain't doin' that good, so a handful of scammers is enough to put a hurt on the books. If a small fraction is enough to eat heavily into your profit margin, you're fucked. The message SHN is sending says that they're sinking and willing to take customers with them.

Let 'em sink, no tears.

Is this for real or an April fools joke? If not I'd love to tag them and put em on blast on IG. @ThaDocta1 - these are the people you just defended along with wanna be breeder greedyline... That is seriously a giant bitch move. "Chargeback my business and i'll rat you out". Straight snitch shit.
Absolutely not!I got this warning after completing my purchase on their March madness sale.
Oh wow. That is some grade a bullshit that doesn't fly in the culture I came from.

I would make a IG post that would slay that mother fucker so fast. It would have to be done right, tag every breeder he works with, also his competition, and make sure it is tagged up with key words.

Sometimes you got to self edit the clowns out of your scene. So be it. If I had the time I'd probably pull up their corporate filings and get every jokers name associated with this company and make it public. And I'd probably also work on their banking relationships.

I am in the process of a move but happy to advise. Make it so fellas.
yeah, fuck SHN and greenline. lol.
greenline cracks me up, kid is pure greed. straight up custie. didnt he take archive's dosidos and make some stupid shit called dip n dots? hahahaha. zero originality.
On some real street shit and we all are street doing what we do the words "call the police" shouldn't be uttered period. If I scam you I'd rather you come shoot my house up then call the police on me. For him to make a statement like that I can tell he's never been behind them walls. That shit is hell on earth. So yea he's pussy and every breeder that still do business with him is too. Because if he gets jammed up breeders and customers is his ticket out.
Yep,each and every one of us are his get out of jail cards if shit were to hit the fan....This is going to cost him sooo much more than a few or even a lot of charge backs.Hell,just on this page alone he's probably lost hundreds if not thousands a month.....I've been spending $300-600 a month there for the two months I've known about them and I know some of you guys make my seed habit lot a positive note,let's be glad this prick showed the world his ass.The damage might be done for us but at least it'll prevent others from risking it.
Yep,each and every one of us are his get out of jail cards if shit were to hit the fan....This is going to cost him sooo much more than a few or even a lot of charge backs.Hell,just on this page alone he's probably lost hundreds if not thousands a month.....I've been spending $300-600 a month there for the two months I've known about them and I know some of you guys make my seed habit lot a positive note,let's be glad this prick showed the world his ass.The damage might be done for us but at least it'll prevent others from risking it.
I stopped fuckin wit them once I notticed price inflation just cuz they are the most known they mark up
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That's some serious fuckery by SHN. Anybody here send them an email after placing an order threatening to notify the Feds/State/Local Gov of their activities if you didn't receive your order in a timely manner or if you didn't get all of your beans?

Epitome of "Fuck Boy Shit".

In all my years in this I have never been threatened with getting turned in, not once. Pissed me off all kinds of crazy.
That's gotta be the stupidest business move I've ever seen! Well, let's make sure that as many people know about this as possible...the sooner they are run out of town on a rail, the better! That's just pure BS, man!
Yup....I think I'll stick to chucking..ordering seeds is nuts now-a-dayz...

I'm defiantly gearing up to work with more of my chucks. These "breeders" always talk about selection but they only sell you 10-15 seeds & the packs are usually limited in # to some extent. So chucking IMO is the smarter move in acquiring the quantity of seeds to do selections.

The Snitchin Here Now situation is brazy! Do they really want to go out of business? So they can really just up & decide not to send people paid orders just because. Wouldn't put it past them after all this their already screwing themselves with that confirmation email smh.

lmao what a horrible way to start the overpriced Archive drop.