Arctic blast bringing 25 degree lows to my area Monday night.

Just checked the wiki page for that town. Only 741 punters live there. You should visit them.
Ohhhh, you meant painters. She's a teacher, writer and a few other things.
It would be fun to go visit her. But I am not hauling the kids with me when I finally do!
What is a punter?
A punter is an individual, in colloquial terms a punter is a mate, a buyer of service or items. Where i come from it just means a person or individual.

I.e that punter is not getting served because they are too pished.
That punter is taking their life in their hands by suggesting England make good whisky.
To the O.P. , sorry, we kinda jacked your post. Back to that heat that hoop house friend! You can make it through. And if they don't make it, you were going to cut them eventually anyway. If they don't snap back then they just get harvested early.
We’re getting a serious cold snap on Monday, and all my outdoor plants that are growing in the ground still need at least 2 weeks. I bought a bunch of 3/4” PVC and 4 mil plastic and made a little cold frame. I need to add more PVC to brace it better, but this was a rush job. It looks shitty from the outside but I didn’t have a whole lot of time to make it nice. Here’s a view from the inside. I’m going to run my propane heater in there when it gets really cold and I think that will get my plants through to harvest with no issues. After that the cold frame should let me go as long as I need. I can just bring the potted plants inside for the night.

Is there anything else I need to consider? This is gonna be a hard freeze.

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I had a similar situation. I built a teepee over my plants with tarps and put a heat lamp and they were fine. I also spread straw on the ground.
I’d have to buy the drums but that’s an interesting idea. The cold frame is a good size for my buddy heater and I’m going to grab another large propane bottle from Costco tomorrow. After Wednesday I shouldn’t have to run the heater anymore. These buds are looking really nice but two of the plants need another two weeks and the other two might need closer to a month. I want to make this thing a more permanent structure eventually.
Just an outdoor grower in non cooperative fall climate. The water is right. Use any metal containers you have access to. Fill with boiling water in front of the propane heater. Will moderate an enclosure to safe levels most often in the mid 20s. If sincere about adding some heat.? Look into renting concrete curing pads or borrowing them from contractor friends. Heat the soil and air. Safe and worry free. Just a couple tricks I have used. I employ kerosene heaters and oil filled radiators now. Too much clearance for band aids now. Hope you make it to your goal. Best wishes.
Just an outdoor grower in non cooperative fall climate. The water is right. Use any metal containers you have access to. Fill with boiling water in front of the propane heater. Will moderate an enclosure to safe levels most often in the mid 20s. If sincere about adding some heat.? Look into renting concrete curing pads or borrowing them from contractor friends. Heat the soil and air. Safe and worry free. Just a couple tricks I have used. I employ kerosene heaters and oil filled radiators now. Too much clearance for band aids now. Hope you make it to your goal. Best wishes.

Thanks! I’m feeling pretty confident. I’m about to go buy some more PVC to make it stronger, and then I’m going to tape up the seams really well. I think for my size area I’ll just have to get a 30 gallon tote and drain my water heater into it, and I think that will work okay. The area is only 6x7 feet and the propane heater isn’t very big. I work for a general contractor but we don’t do much concrete so I’ll skip the blankets. A nice forced air kerosene heater would be totally awesome, but also totally out of my budget.
You know I can’t drop 200 bucks on this today, but it’s definitely something to consider for next year. This isn’t a bad price. It looks like I could run flexible ducting off it into whatever nicer iteration of this I build next year. I’m planning on doing some phenos that take 11-12 weeks indoors next year and this was not a difficult project. I’ll probably just end up improving it over the winter so I can maybe keep my dormant cacti in there after the cannabis comes down.

You know I can’t drop 200 bucks on this today, but it’s definitely something to consider for next year. This isn’t a bad price. It looks like I could run flexible ducting off it into whatever nicer iteration of this I build next year. I’m planning on doing some phenos that take 11-12 weeks indoors next year and this was not a difficult project. I’ll probably just end up improving it over the winter so I can maybe keep my dormant cacti in there after the cannabis comes down.

Kerosene/diesel heaters usually put off a good bit of bad smell. I would stick to propane.
Kerosene/diesel heaters usually put off a good bit of bad smell. I would stick to propane.

The ones I’ve used definitely exhaust a lot of gross stuff. The forced air would have to be ducted inside the cold frame and the heater would have to be run outside. I’m interested to see how the buddy heater and 30 gallon tote full of hot water does. I’ve got a full 30lb bottle of propane ready to go and I’m picking up another one after work tomorrow. It’s going to drop below freezing around 5pm and that’s when I’m firing up the heater.