Arduino programming

For the rest following along...been a few crappy days...haven't gotten to any coding as of late, but will as soon as I can. :)
Well I didn't get everything done yet, but added in another 8 relays (for fan control) and started a little on the touch screen buttons.
Still have to do the resistors on my mega for pins 20 and 21 to work properly, but all 8 fan relays are just manual control atm...controlled with the com port inputs.
Oh and @Kervork ...I looked through and didn't find anything about pimp in my sketch so I'm lost for what your referring to.
"BTW there is a typo in your code. My guess is that results in the value being undefined and your error but what would I know. "
Does anyone else know what they meant by it has an error of sorts ?
(Will post code shortly)
//  Use "army" time for settings...minus the "0"...example...09:00 (9am) = 9 as value....0 = Midnight/12:00am
//  00 to 23.
//  Cannot do pm to am unless you reverse digitalRead(s) & digitalWrites for that Timer/Relay # and reverse times
//  for ON/OFF, due to now setting an OFF Run Time instead of ON Run Time.
//---->   Last edit = Jan 1, 2021.

int L1_S = 7;       //Starting @
int L1_E = 23;      //Ending @
int P1_S = 1;       //Every x minutes
int P1_R = 10;      //For y seconds
int G1_D = 1;       //Day to start
int G1_M = 1;       //Month to start
int G1_Y = 2018;    //Year to start
int G1_L = 60;      //Grow for x days

int L2_S = 7;       //Starting @
int L2_E = 23;      //Ending @
int P2_S = 1;       //Every x minutes
int P2_R = 10;      //For y seconds
int G2_D = 1;       //Day to start
int G2_M = 1;       //Month to start
int G2_Y = 2018;    //Year to start
int G2_L = 60;      //Grow for x days

int L3_S = 7;       //Starting @
int L3_E = 23;      //Ending @
int P3_S = 1;       //Every x minutes
int P3_R = 10;      //For y seconds
int G3_D = 1;       //Day to start
int G3_M = 1;       //Month to start
int G3_Y = 2018;    //Year to start
int G3_L = 60;      //Grow for x days

int L4_S = 7;       //Starting @
int L4_E = 23;      //Ending @
int P4_S = 1;       //Every x minutes
int P4_R = 10;      //For y seconds
int G4_D = 1;       //Day to start
int G4_M = 1;       //Month to start
int G4_Y = 2018;    //Year to start
int G4_L = 60;      //Grow for x days

#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS1307RTC.h>
#include <UTFT.h>
#include <URTouch.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include "BlueDot_BME280.h"
#include <avr/wdt.h>

#define FAN1_Q   '1'
#define FAN2_Q   '2'
#define FAN3_Q   '3'
#define FAN4_Q   '4'
#define FAN5_Q   'a'
#define FAN6_Q   'b'
#define FAN7_Q   'c'
#define FAN8_Q   'd'
#define FAN_Q   'f'
#define TIME_Q   'T'
#define DAY_Q   'D'
#define MONTH_Q   'M'
#define YEAR_Q   'Y'
#define hour_Q   'h'
#define minute_Q   'm'
#define second_Q   's'
#define read_Q   'r'
#define clrScrn_Q    'C'
#define reset_Q   'R'
#define preset_Q  'p'
#define misc_Q  'x'
#define menu_Q  '?'
#define TCAADDR 0x70

static boolean isLongFormat = true;

extern uint8_t SmallFont[];         //40 Characters X 20 Lines (8x12 px)
extern uint8_t BigFont[];           //20 Characters X 15 Lines (16x16 px)

const char *MITY[13] = {"Dec", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov"};

String D = "";
String C = "";
int Y = 2021;
String data = "";
double TempC;
double TempF;
String TempChoice = "C";    //"C" or "F"
int CurDay = 10;
BlueDot_BME280 bme280_i;

File myFile;
const int chipSelect = 4;
String fileName = "";
String Rx = "";
String tempRx = "";
String rxName = "";
String rxValue = "";
String varName = "";
String varValue = "";

String b1PlantName = "";
String b1LightStart = "";
String b1LightEnd = "";
String b1PumpStart = "";
String b1PumpRun = "";

String b2PlantName = "";
String b2LightStart = "";
String b2LightEnd = "";
String b2PumpStart = "";
String b2PumpRun = "";

String b3PlantName = "";
String b3LightStart = "";
String b3LightEnd = "";
String b3PumpStart = "";
String b3PumpRun = "";

String b4PlantName = "";
String b4LightStart = "";
String b4LightEnd = "";
String b4PumpStart = "";
String b4PumpRun = "";

int L_S = 0;
int L_E = 0;
int P_S = 0;
int P_R = 0;
int c1 = 0;
int c2 = 0;
int c3 = 0;
int x1 = 0;
int y1 = 0;
int x2 = 0;
int y2 = 0;
int fillIn = 0;
int Pg = 0;
int x, y;
int Bright = 0;
int zzz = 2000;
int resync = 0;
int rtcReads = 0;
int rtcPassed = 0;
int rtcFailed = 0;
int resyncFailed = 0;

UTFT myGLCD(HX8347I, 38, 39, 40, 41);
URTouch  myTouch( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);       

//UTFT myGLCD(SSD1289, 38, 39, 40, 41); URTouch  myTouch( 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);       //Test display...broken.

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Looking for SD card...");
  pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
  if (SD.begin(chipSelect))
    Serial.print("Reading data.");
    for (int B = 1; B <= 4; B++) {
      fileName = "BOX" + String(B);
      fileName = fileName + ".txt";
      varName = "";
      varValue = "";
      myFile =;
      if (myFile) {readFile(B);} myFile.close();} Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Done.");} else {Serial.println("No card found...Using Default values.");}


  myGLCD.InitLCD(0);   //0=Portrait 1=Landscape (default) ??=Rotate 90' (90/180/270)
  pinMode(14, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 1 #1 - Lights
  pinMode(16, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 1 #2 - Water Pump

  pinMode(15, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 1 #3 - Lights
  pinMode(17, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 1 #4 - Water Pump

  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);     //RELAY 2 #1 - Lights
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 2 #2 - Water Pump

  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);     //RELAY 2 #3 - Lights
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 2 #4 - Water Pump

  pinMode(18, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 3 #1  - Fan1
  pinMode(19, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 3 #2  - Fan2
  pinMode(20, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 3 #3  - Fan3
  pinMode(21, OUTPUT);    //RELAY 3 #4  - Fan4

  pinMode(A12, OUTPUT);   //RELAY 3 #5  - Fan5
  pinMode(A13, OUTPUT);   //RELAY 3 #6  - Fan6
  pinMode(A14, OUTPUT);   //RELAY 3 #7  - Fan7
  pinMode(A15, OUTPUT);   //RELAY 3 #8  - Fan8



void loop() {



  lightCheck("L1", 14, 4, 75);
  TempCheck(1, 3, 110);
  HumiCheck(1, 3, 140);
  pumpCheck("P1", 16, 3, 175);

  lightCheck("L2", 15, 123, 75);
  TempCheck(2, 123, 110);
  HumiCheck(2, 123, 140);
  pumpCheck("P2", 17, 123, 175);

  lightCheck("L3", 8, 3, 200);
  TempCheck(3, 3, 235);
  HumiCheck(3, 3, 265);
  pumpCheck("P3", 10, 3, 300);

  lightCheck("L4", 9, 123, 200);
  TempCheck(4, 123, 235);
  HumiCheck(4, 123, 265);
  pumpCheck("P4", 11, 123, 300);


void Date(int h, int v) {
  D = month();
  D = D + String(" ");
  if (day() < 10) {
    D = D + "0"  + String(day());
  } else {
    D = D + String(day());
  D = D + " " + String(year());
  myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
  myGLCD.print(" " + D + " ", h, v);

void Clock(int h, int v) {
  C = hour();
  C = C + String(":");
  //if (hour() < 1) {C = String("12") + String(":");} else {if (hour() > 12) {if (hour() < 22) {C = String(" ") + String(hour() - 12) + String(":");} else {C = String(hour() - 12) + String(":");}} else {C = (hour()) + String(":");}}
  if (minute() < 10) {
    C = C + String("0") + String(minute()) + String(":");
  } else {
    C = C + String(minute()) + String(":");
  if (second() < 10) {
    C = C + String("0") + String(second());
  } else {
    C = C + String(second());
  myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
  myGLCD.print(" " + C + " ", h, v);

void resyncRTC() {
  if (year() != Y) {delay(5000); Read_RTC();}
  if (resync == 0) {if (minute() == 0) {if (second() == 0) {Read_RTC(); resync = 1; resyncFailed = resyncFailed + 1;}}}
  if (resync == 1) {if (minute() == 1) {if (second() == 1) {resync = 0;}}}

void listMenu() {
  Serial.println("1-4 & a-d Turns ON/OFF 8x relay board number you use.");
  Serial.println("f = Show current fan status.");
  Serial.println("T = Input all 10 digits.   eg T1536620390 = Sept 10 2018 @ 10:59:50pm");
  Serial.println("D = Add 1 DAY.");
  Serial.println("M = Add 1 MONTH.");
  Serial.println("Y = Add 1 YEAR.");
  Serial.println("h = Add 1 hour.");
  Serial.println("m = Add 1 minute.");
  Serial.println("s = Add 1 second.");
  Serial.println("r = Read current value.");
  Serial.println("c = Clears/Refreshes LCD screen.");
  Serial.println("R = Reset to Jan 01 1970.");
  Serial.println("p = Preset value @ 1603726000 = Oct 26 2020 @ 15:26:40");
  Serial.println("x = setTime(14, 59, 00, 26, 10, 2020)");
  Serial.println("            hh, mm, ss, DD, MM, YYYY)");
  Serial.println("? = Show input list/info.");
void portCheck() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0)
  { char Rx =;
    if (Rx == TIME_Q) {setTime(Serial.parseInt());}
    if (Rx == DAY_Q) {setTime(now() + 86400);}
    if (Rx == MONTH_Q) {if (String(month()) == "1" or String(month()) == "3" or String(month()) == "5" or String(month()) == "7" or String(month()) == "8" or String(month()) == "10" or String(month()) == "12") {setTime(now() + 2678400);} else {if (String(month()) == "4" or String(month()) == "6" or String(month()) == "9" or String(month()) == "11") {setTime(now() + 2592000);} else {if (String(month()) == "2") {setTime(now() + 2419200);}}}}
    if (Rx == YEAR_Q) {setTime(now() + (86400 * 365));}
    if (Rx == hour_Q) {setTime(now() + 3600);}
    if (Rx == minute_Q) {setTime(now() + 60);}
    if (Rx == second_Q) {setTime(now() + 1);}
    if (Rx == read_Q) {Serial.println(String(now()));}
    if (Rx == clrScrn_Q) {myGLCD.clrScr();}
    if (Rx == reset_Q) {setTime(0);}
    if (Rx == preset_Q) {setTime(1603726000);} //T1603726000}
    if (Rx == misc_Q)  {setTime(14, 59, 00, 26, 10, 2020);}
    if (Rx == FAN1_Q) {Fan(1);}
    if (Rx == FAN2_Q) {Fan(2);}
    if (Rx == FAN3_Q) {Fan(3);}
    if (Rx == FAN4_Q) {Fan(4);}
    if (Rx == FAN5_Q) {Fan(5);}
    if (Rx == FAN6_Q) {Fan(6);}
    if (Rx == FAN7_Q) {Fan(7);}
    if (Rx == FAN8_Q) {Fan(8);}
    if (Rx == FAN_Q) {fanCheck();}
    if (Rx == menu_Q) {listMenu();}

void lightCheck(String Light, int Pin, int h, int v) {
  if ((Light + "_S") == "L1_S") {L_S = L1_S;}
  if ((Light + "_E") == "L1_E") {L_E = L1_E;}
  if ((Light + "_S") == "L2_S") {L_S = L2_S;}
  if ((Light + "_E") == "L2_E") {L_E = L2_E;}
  if ((Light + "_S") == "L3_S") {L_S = L3_S;}
  if ((Light + "_E") == "L3_E") {L_E = L3_E;}
  if ((Light + "_S") == "L4_S") {L_S = L4_S;}
  if ((Light + "_E") == "L4_E") {L_E = L4_E;}
  if (hour() < L_S or hour() > L_E - 1 && digitalRead(Pin) == 0) {digitalWrite(Pin, 1);}
  if (hour() >= L_S && hour() <= L_E - 1 && digitalRead(Pin) == 1) {digitalWrite(Pin, 0);}
  if (digitalRead(Pin) == 0) {myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 0);} else {myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0);}
  myGLCD.print(String(L_S) + " - " + String(L_E), h, v);
  myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);

void pumpCheck(String Pump, int Pin, int h, int v) {
  if ((Pump + "_S") == "P1_S") {P_S = P1_S;}
  if ((Pump + "_R") == "P1_R") {P_R = P1_R;}
  if ((Pump + "_S") == "P2_S") {P_S = P2_S;}
  if ((Pump + "_R") == "P2_R") {P_R = P2_R;}
  if ((Pump + "_S") == "P3_S") {P_S = P3_S;}
  if ((Pump + "_R") == "P3_R") {P_R = P3_R;}
  if ((Pump + "_S") == "P4_S") {P_S = P4_S;}
  if ((Pump + "_R") == "P4_R") {P_R = P4_R;}
  if ((digitalRead(Pin) == 1) && (minute() % P_S == 0) && (second() < P_R)) {digitalWrite(Pin, 0);}
  if ((digitalRead(Pin) == 0) && (second() > P_R - 1)) {digitalWrite(Pin, 1);}
  if (digitalRead(Pin) == 0) {myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 0);} else {myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0);}
  myGLCD.print(String(P_R) + " - " + String(P_S), h, v);
  myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);

void tcaselect(uint8_t i) {
  if (i > 7) return;
  Wire.write(1 << i);
  bme280_i.parameter.communication = 0;
  bme280_i.parameter.I2CAddress = 0x76;                    //Choose I2C Address
  bme280_i.parameter.sensorMode = 0b11;                    //Choose sensor mode
  bme280_i.parameter.IIRfilter = 0b100;                    //Setup for IIR Filter 
  bme280_i.parameter.humidOversampling = 0b101;            //Setup Humidity Oversampling
  bme280_i.parameter.tempOversampling = 0b101;             //Setup Temperature Ovesampling 
  bme280_i.parameter.pressOversampling = 0b101;            //Setup Pressure Oversampling   

double TempCheck(int pin, int h, int v) {
  double Temp;
  if (TempChoice = "C") {
    myGLCD.print(" " + String(bme280_i.readTempC(), 0) + " C ", h, v);
  } else {
    myGLCD.print(" " + String(bme280_i.readTempF(), 0) + " F ", h, v);

double HumiCheck(int pin, int h, int v) {
  double Temp;
  myGLCD.print(" " + String(bme280_i.readHumidity(), 0) + " % ", h, v);

void Read_RTC() {
  rtcReads = rtcReads + 1;
  if (timeStatus() != timeSet) {Serial.println(""); Serial.println("RTC read falled."); rtcFailed = rtcFailed + 1; if (rtcFailed == 5) {showPg(99);}}  //Failed read.
  if (timeStatus() == timeSet) {Serial.println(""); Serial.println("RTC read successfully."); rtcPassed = rtcPassed + 1;}  //Good read.

void readFile(int BOX) {
  while (myFile.available()) {
    char Rx =;

    if (String(Rx) == "=") { ;} else {if (String(Rx) == "!") { ;} else {if (String(Rx) == " ") { ;} else {if (Rx == 10) { ;} else {if (Rx == 13) { ;} else {tempRx += Rx;}}}}}
    if (String(Rx) == "=") {rxName = tempRx; varName = "b" + String(BOX); varName = String(varName) + String(rxName); tempRx = ""; Rx = ""; Serial.print(".");}
    if (String(Rx) == "!") {rxValue = tempRx; varValue = rxValue; tempRx = ""; Rx = ""; Serial.print(".");}

    if (String(varName) == "b1PlantName") {b1PlantName = varValue;}
    if (String(varName) == "b1LightStart") {L1_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b1LightEnd") {L1_E = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b1PumpStart") {P1_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b1PumpRun") {P1_R = varValue.toInt();}

    if (String(varName) == "b2PlantName") {b2PlantName = varValue;}
    if (String(varName) == "b2LightStart") {L2_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b2LightEnd") {L2_E = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b2PumpStart") {P2_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b2PumpRun") {P2_R = varValue.toInt();}

    if (String(varName) == "b3PlantName") {b3PlantName = varValue;}
    if (String(varName) == "b3LightStart") {L3_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b3LightEnd") {L3_E = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b3PumpStart") {P3_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b3PumpRun") {P3_R = varValue.toInt();}

    if (String(varName) == "b4PlantName") {b4PlantName = varValue;}
    if (String(varName) == "b4LightStart") {L4_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b4LightEnd") {L4_E = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b4PumpStart") {P4_S = varValue.toInt();}
    if (String(varName) == "b4PumpRun") {P4_R = varValue.toInt();}

void box(int c1, int c2, int c3, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int fillIn) {
  myGLCD.setColor(c1, c2, c3);
  if (fillIn == 0) {myGLCD.drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2);} else {myGLCD.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2);}

void touchCheck() {
  if (myTouch.dataAvailable()) {
    x = myTouch.getX();
    y = myTouch.getY();
    if ((x >= 0) && (x <=65) && (y >= 0) && (y <= 50)) {showPg(99);}
    if ((x >= 0) && (x <=65) && (y >= 50) && (y <= 320)) {showPg(5);}
    if ((y >= 1) && (y <= 120)) {if ((x >= 65) && (x <= 190)) {box(255, 0, 0, 1, 71, 120, 195, 1); showPg(1);}
    if ((x >= 191) && (x <= 320)) {box(255, 0, 0, 1, 196, 120, 318, 1); showPg(3);}}
    else {if ((x >= 65) && (x <= 190)) {box(255, 0, 0, 121, 71, 238, 195, 1); showPg(2);}
    if ((x >= 191) && (x <= 320)) {box(255, 0, 0, 121, 196, 238, 318, 1); showPg(4);}}

void showPg(int Pg) {
  x = 0;
  y = 0;
  if (Pg == 0) {
    box(255, 255, 255, 1, 71, 120, 195, 0); //BOX 1 - Top Left frame
    box(255, 255, 255, 121, 71, 238, 195, 0); //BOX 2 - Top Right frame
    box(255, 255, 255, 1, 196, 120, 318, 0); //BOX 3 - Bottom Left frame
    box(255, 255, 255, 121, 196, 238, 318, 0); //BOX 4 - Bottom Right frame
  if (Pg == 1) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.print("BOX 1", CENTER, 75);
    myGLCD.print(b1PlantName, 10, 100);
    if (L1_E - L1_S > 12) {myGLCD.print("Flower Cycle", 10, 125);} else {myGLCD.print("Veg Cycle", 10, 125);}
    if (CurDay < 10) {myGLCD.print("Day 0" + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G1_L), 10, 150);} else {myGLCD.print("Day " + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G1_L), 10, 150);}
  if (Pg == 2) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.print("BOX 2", CENTER, 75);
    myGLCD.print(b2PlantName, 10, 100);
    if (L2_E - L2_S > 12) {myGLCD.print("Flower Cycle    ", 10, 125);} else {myGLCD.print("Veg Cycle    ", 10, 125);}
    if (CurDay < 10) {myGLCD.print("Day 0" + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G2_L), 10, 150);} else {myGLCD.print("Day " + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G2_L), 10, 150);}
  if (Pg == 3) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.print("BOX 3", CENTER, 75);
    myGLCD.print(b3PlantName, 10, 100);
    if (L3_E - L3_S > 12) {myGLCD.print("Flower Cycle    ", 10, 125);} else {myGLCD.print("Veg Cycle    ", 10, 125);}
    if (CurDay < 10) {myGLCD.print("Day 0" + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G3_L), 10, 150);} else {myGLCD.print("Day " + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G3_L), 10, 150);}
  if (Pg == 4) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.print("BOX 4", CENTER, 75);
    myGLCD.print(b4PlantName, 10, 100);
    if (L4_E - L4_S > 12) {myGLCD.print("Flower Cycle    ", 10, 125);} else {myGLCD.print("Veg Cycle    ", 10, 125);}
    if (CurDay < 10) {myGLCD.print("Day 0" + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G4_L), 10, 150);} else {myGLCD.print(" Day " + String(CurDay) + " of " + String(G4_L), 10, 150);}
  if (Pg == 5) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);                                     /*
    //Serial.print("Reads ");
    myGLCD.print("Reads:", 10, 75);
    myGLCD.print(String(rtcReads), 200, 75);
    //Serial.print("Passed Reads ");
    myGLCD.print("Passed", 10, 100);
    myGLCD.print(String(rtcPassed), 200, 100);
    //Serial.print("Failed Reads ");
    myGLCD.print("Failed", 10, 125);
    myGLCD.print(String(rtcFailed), 200, 125);
    //Serial.print("Resync Fail ");
    myGLCD.print("Resync Fail", 10, 150);
    myGLCD.print(String(resyncFailed), 200, 150);                       */
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    Clock(CENTER, 50);
    if (myTouch.dataAvailable()) {;
    x = myTouch.getX();
    y = myTouch.getY();
    {wdt_reset(); showPg(5);}
  if (Pg == 10) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
  if (Pg == 99) {
    myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
    myGLCD.print("RESETTING", CENTER, 90);
    myGLCD.print("---------", CENTER, 110);
    for (int x=0; x<=8; x++) {Serial.println(8-x); myGLCD.print("         ", CENTER, 150); delay(100); myGLCD.print(String(8-x), CENTER, 150); delay(900);}

void basicPg() {
  box(255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 239, 319, 0); //Main outside frame
  box(255, 255, 255, 1, 1, 238, 70, 0); //Top center frame
  myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 0);
  myGLCD.print("T0YB0X", CENTER, 6);
  myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 0);
  myGLCD.drawLine(2, 25, 237, 25);
  Date(CENTER, 30);
  Clock(CENTER, 50);

void buttons() {
    if (digitalRead(18) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 10, 175, 50, 215, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 10, 175, 50, 215, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("1", 22, 187);
    if (digitalRead(19) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 55, 175, 95, 215, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 55, 175, 95, 215, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("2", 67, 187);
    if (digitalRead(20) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 100, 175, 140, 215, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 100, 175, 140, 215, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("3", 112, 187);
    if (digitalRead(21) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 145, 175, 185, 215, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 145, 175, 185, 215, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("4", 157, 187);
    if (digitalRead(A12) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 190, 175, 230, 215, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 190, 175, 230, 215, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("5", 202, 187);
    if (digitalRead(A13) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 10, 225, 50, 265, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 10, 225, 50, 265, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("6", 22, 237);
    if (digitalRead(A14) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 55, 225, 95, 265, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 55, 225, 95, 265, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("7", 67, 237);
    if (digitalRead(A15) == "OFF") {box(255, 0, 0, 100, 225, 140, 265, 1);} else {box(0, 255, 0, 100, 225, 140, 265, 1);}
    myGLCD.print("8", 112, 237);
    box(255, 0, 0, 145, 225, 185, 265, 0);
    myGLCD.print("9", 157, 237);
    box(255, 0, 0, 190, 225, 230, 265, 0);
    myGLCD.print("0", 202, 237);
    box(255, 255, 255, 10, 275, 228, 309, 0);
    myGLCD.print("E X I T", CENTER, 285);

void fanCheck() {
  if (digitalRead(18) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 1 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 1 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(19) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 2 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 2 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(20) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 3 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 3 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(21) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 4 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 4 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(A12) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 5 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 5 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(A13) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 6 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 6 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(A14) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 7 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 7 = ON");}
  if (digitalRead(A15) == 0) {Serial.println("Fan 8 = OFF");} else {Serial.println("Fan 8 = ON");}

void Fan(int f) {

  Serial.print("Fan ");
  if (f == 1) {if (digitalRead(18) == 0) {digitalWrite(18, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(18, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 2) {if (digitalRead(19) == 0) {digitalWrite(19, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(19, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 3) {if (digitalRead(20) == 0) {digitalWrite(20, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(20, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 4) {if (digitalRead(21) == 0) {digitalWrite(21, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(21, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 5) {if (digitalRead(A12) == 0) {digitalWrite(A12, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(A12, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 6) {if (digitalRead(A13) == 0) {digitalWrite(A13, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(A13, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 7) {if (digitalRead(A14) == 0) {digitalWrite(A14, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(A14, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
  if (f == 8) {if (digitalRead(A15) == 0) {digitalWrite(A15, 1); Serial.println(" ON");} else {digitalWrite(A15, 0); Serial.println(" OFF");}}
Well managed to finally figure out the touch screen buttons somewhat...well its working for now. :P
I never said I was a "coder"...just piecing together all the parts to my silly
Any how I also noticed I still have not included the set time parts in the when you need to set the RTC.
Right now I have a seperate script to set the RTC and battery holds it, but had a couple occations where batt died and then had no time...that took me some time to figure out. :wall:
I'm gonna work a little more tonight, but once I get the time thing done I'll wait to post the whole thing over again...only 31 lines added so far.