Are AKBB and Relics consumption the same?

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
I see these 2 have consumption, and they speak very highly of one another as people, but I am curious who's consumption is best.
AKBB, and Professor P of Relic, did a joint breeding project on Consumption. They both have different cuts of NL5/Haze and decided to combine that gene pool, leading to Consumption.
Both lines are supposed to be great.
Basically, both Consumptions are the same genetics, with selections made by different breeders.
I grabbed a pack of Relic’s Consumption a couple of years ago but haven’t gotten around to running it yet.
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AKBB, and Professor P of Relic, did a joint breeding project on Consumption. They both have different cuts of NL5/Haze and decided to combine that gene pool, leading to Consumption.
Both lines are supposed to be great.
Basically, both Consumption are the the same genetics, with selections made by different breeders.
I grabbed a pack of Relic’s Consumption a couple of years ago but haven’t gotten around to running it yet.
Thanks man, appreciate the info!