Are all Hippies the same?


Well-Known Member
hmmm, i dont really label myself, but others say im just a dirty hippy, haha because i like to smoke ganja and can stay happy all day when others would get frustrated over the littlest things. i dont wear panchos and my hair isnt too long like a "hippie"


Well-Known Member
Technically thugs are the new hippies.

Hippie = hipster The phrase just happened to be coined when everyone was fried on acid. :)


Well-Known Member
I think these days most hardcore Hippies are homeless or live up in the mountains, they are generally burnt out Trippers and drugys who have bad hygene and sometimes have intersting stories to tell.


Well-Known Member
haha i still consider a hippy to just be a fun loving, day tripper that doesnt sweat the small stuff. they do hae to have the general style of hippies obviously doesnt have to be dirty and absolutely must brush the damn teeth. they gotte like the dead, doors, janice, jimmy all the greats
that about covers it. i associate the word hippy mostly with music.


Active Member
haha i still consider a hippy to just be a fun loving, day tripper that doesnt sweat the small stuff. they do hae to have the general style of hippies obviously doesnt have to be dirty and absolutely must brush the damn teeth. they gotte like the dead, doors, janice, jimmy all the greats
that about covers it. i associate the word hippy mostly with music.

damn i never considered myself a hippie until i just read that lol you just described me!


Well-Known Member
Yep Woodstock that's what we drove. What I miss is this thing we had called FREE LOVE. We had no hang-up's at all.
Those were the days!
Make love not war.


bud bootlegger
man.. do i ever love fdd2black... posts a pix of some killer buds and tells us to look at his feet.. i couldn't take my eyes off the buds to even glimpse at the feet, sorry.. lol... too funny..
a hippy must love the dead, birkenstocks, pachouli (sp?) oil, old vw's, janice, jimmy, and free love.. anything else is a plus.. long hair and or dreads is another fav, but not a necessity.. how about hemp clothing and hackey sacks. o yeah, almost forgot peace signs on bumberstickers..
i think that everyone should always have atleast one hippy friend.. they always have good connects and are usually more than wiling to share whatever they have.. dats just my humble opinion, but after all we are going for generalities right...