are all my pics gone?

Im able to upload pictures now :-) I can see some other peoples pics now but not 100% Just thought Id let the people behind the curtains know :-) :peace:

I posted them but no one has replied to my journal yet. Either they cant see them or Im just lonely :-( :lol:

Never mind,,, no one can see them. Im still lonely though.
Cant see pictures in my journal. Or any other threads. All old threads I cannot see pictures.

Being logged off I can see the .jpg link, but logging in no picture.
Same thing with my journals in my sig. Only the first page of my attatchments shows the pictures. The other 14 pages just show the file name and dont show up once posted. I have faith that RIU will fix it up though.
Loadeddragon, are your images still missing? Please give me a link or two to threads that the images are missing. We need that to track down the issue, and hopefully fix it.


This would be a real shame if the photos on this thread were lost.

It was already gutted from the hack attack, but at least the photos from the beginning of the thread were intact. They're gone now though Google cache still has a copy of the page with the names and addresses of the pix.

This would be great if you can find these. I gotta say it's getting very frustrating around here gang. No point in doing any work if it's just gonna get destroyed every few months. Just sayin. Thanks.
journal in my signature has the same problem and has for the past 2 or more weeks now i believe....was about to actually make a new thread but I'm having problems uploading some of my pictures to it. Is there some kind of limit being put on how big pictures are that we upload now or something? Because pictures under 1mb i seem to be able to upload but ones over 1mb aren't showing up.......screwy things happening on the site lately
I've given up on uploading pics to this site. I've found an online photo editor that stores them on and then I just link the pictures to my posts. Doesn't take much more time but it's 800x600 or 4 megs max I believe. Has anyone around here made any announcement about what's going on?
Yea I am just about to give up on trying to share pictures and make a grow journal....every time i do i lose my pics lol
Most of mine have shown back up, certain chunk is still missing though, and I am really trying to find one certain picture that was from the missing time period. Thank you much for restoring what you have so far, otherwise i would have lost them!