I know what most people consider spirituality. Spirituality however does not have a single definition. It encompasses a wide range of various metaphysical ideas, none of which can be demonstrated to be anything beyond a person's internal, subjective experience. So I would say I have a better grasp of spirituality than you do considering you believe it is a single, universally accepted 'thing.'
I'm not confused but you seem to be. I made no reference to religion and you continue to assume your personal idea of spirituality is somehow the only one and correct.
What do you call it when someone makes up a story that has fantastical, magical, elements that are completely contrary to what we know about reality? Myths and legends, whether they are ancient or contemporary ARE fairy tales. You may not like that designation but it is accurate. The Scientologists think we came from another planet on DC-8s brought here by Xenu and that these thetans are attached to our bodies. This too is a fairy tale.
It is annoying and sad that you think people that adhere to reality and consider wishful and magical thinking contradicting reality as we know it are somehow arrogant and rude. Yes, I am blunt but rarely rude until someone gives me reason, usually by ignoring the crux of an argument and attempting to silence the opposition by using personal attacks such as calling them rude and arrogant.
I beg to differ. The evidence is virtually undeniable by people that take the time to understand it.
Actually, we share less than that but the evidence is still overwhelming. It was quite convincing even before the advent of genetics but unlocking DNA actually gives us even more support. We come to the same conclusions when looking from the top down as we do from the bottom up. If the familial relationship wasn't real, we should have found some discrepancies by now that would make us question it, but the more we look, the stronger it becomes. So no, we are not merely left with this single fact. We have thousands of pieces of corroborating evidence from various scientific disciplines, with genetics being only one piece.
Show your work. First you must define intelligence since you seem to be using in an atypical manner. Then you need to show that our intelligence could not have evolved similarly to other traits. That our intelligence is somehow magical and the intelligence of whales or dogs is ordinary and can be explained by evolution.
I don't need to know who you are IRL. I only need to respond to what you write.
I did not say you ARE close minded, I said, "
If a careful study of evolution couldn't change your mind..." then you are close minded. Your posts on this topic suggest that you are being close minded. You have eliminated the possibility that our intelligence is simply a by-product of a bigger and more complex brain, something that seems to be supported by the facts. As I said, you really don't seem to know or understand a lot about biological evolution if you can dismiss it so easily.
Really? That's your argument? Science has been the building block of your life but you can't understand why lions don't drive?

The more you post like this, the more I'm just going to assume you are scientifically illiterate, regardless of your claims to the contrary. If you seriously want answers to these things than I would be happy to provide you with them but to be honest, I think you are using these as rhetorical devises and you will readily discount any answer I provide. That you actually think that science tries to prove anything is your first mistake. Believing that we cannot make accurate conclusions about things in history unless we can actually observe them is an old creationist canard that is clearly untrue and if you knew and understood science as you claim, you should know that as well. It seems you believe that forensic investigation of a murder or arson is impossible since we cannot travel back in time to see it happen, right? I guess all of geology and our knowledge about the moving of continents d/t plate tectonics and anything we say about dinosaurs and other extinct species is all mere speculation too?
So yes, when I come to the conclusion you don't know and understand science, it is not based on any guess work about who you are or what you do but is 100% based on shit you say. I spend time trying to dispel incorrect assumptions and beliefs about what science is and isn't. I try to educate people about what science can and cannot do.
Science is a methodology, not a collection of ideas. Science doesn't agree or disagree with anything. Science is a tool that can help me evaluate the relative worthiness of an idea and how much confidence I should have on any particular claim. If a claim is made that cannot be evaluated using science, then my confidence in the veracity of that idea is bound to be quite low. I don't however need to spend time disproving something that has no real support for it to begin with. This basic approach to epistemology is obviously lost on someone that can't understand the relevance of Russel's teapot.
Sorry, but I am not about to take a lesson about science from someone like you. You seem to be confused about what a scientific theory is and what it means to refine a working model. There are differences between speculation, hypothesis and theory. It is also important to comprehend that science also helps us understand the limitations of a theory. The thing about science is that it helps us know what we don't know.
Cute. However, it would be easier to take you seriously if you didn't previously demonstrate your inadequate understanding of the scientific method. It's not arrogance to point out that I am quite a bit more knowledgeable than you on science and specifically genetics and evolution.