Chief Walkin Eagle
Well-Known Member
Alright, Ima let the wild goose chasers run around aimlessly thinking that they are accomplishing something. Goodnight peeps!
You have to look further than religion. Its more of a guide than a literal interpretation. The reality is that many different religions deal with different levels of spirituality and this god fellow in many religions is described as all knowing therefore can he not contain infinity within him, with us and everything we see being a part of that infinity? I define god as the highest conceivable dimensional vibration if you wish to think of it that way. Some might call something like that intelligent even, not like us though. string theory suggests there is something called the highest dimension (right now they claim the tenth) of all the multiverses, also called the omniverese. Think about this; the number infinity goes on forever therefore we can never really count to the end. All im trying to say is that we must realize that just because our supposed reality is all that we can see does that mean its all that is? To understand infinity we must look at it as a whole, not try and count the way to the top because after a certain point you will find its not possible to reach, you must embrace it as a whole. Don't close any doors for yourself, and sure as fuck don't let science be the only thing to open doors for you.I can absolutely say with a high level of confidence that any god portrayed in any organized religion probably doesn't exist.
What is dangerous about a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results?Cool ideas and opinions, bro. Just dont force others to try and accept your ideas and opinions. Nothing ever comes from it besides people clashing heads never agreeing to disagree.The certainty you have in your ideas and opinions is a delusion, you might even call it dangerous.
You certainly said a lot without actually saying very much..You have to look further than religion. Its more of a guide than a literal interpretation. The reality is that many different religions deal with different levels of spirituality and this god fellow in many religions is described as all knowing therefore can he not contain infinity within him, with us and everything we see being a part of that infinity? I define god as the highest conceivable dimensional vibration if you wish to think of it that way. Some might call something like that intelligent even, not like us though. string theory suggests there is something called the highest dimension (right now they claim the tenth) of all the multiverses, also called the omniverese. Think about this; the number infinity goes on forever therefore we can never really count to the end. All im trying to say is that we must realize that just because our supposed reality is all that we can see does that mean its all that is? To understand infinity we must look at it as a whole, not try and count the way to the top because after a certain point you will find its not possible to reach, you must embrace it as a whole. Don't close any doors for yourself, and sure as fuck don't let science be the only thing to open doors for you.
Thats a pretty dope spirit guide. I wish I knew my spirit guide/animal. One time when I was trying to sleep, the shape of a cool looking spider appeared when my eyes were closed, I dont know if it is my spirit guide though.Chief,
What I do: Smoke 0.15 g of Blue Dream, turn off my bedroom light, turn on the hall light, lie with my feet pointing towards the door. Stare at ceiling. I then concentrate on my spirit guide, a golden lion tamarin. I imagine floating down a river.
We've had this discussion already, you did not agree with the answers.You certainly said a lot without actually saying very much..
Infinity is a concept, not a number.
What does "the highest conceivable dimensional vibration" mean?
"All I'm trying to say is that we must realize that just because our supposed reality is all that we can see does that mean its all that is?"
I don't depend on visual confirmation to determine what is real. There are many things I know are real without ever having seen them at all, oxygen, gravity, pressure, temperature, sound, etc. None of these things are visually identifiable through our own senses alone.
What I've asked both you and CWE specifically is, what value does something have if we can't prove its existence? How can we be sure, even if we can identify any value at all, it isn't simply a trick our mind is playing on us? Finally, how can we expect anyone else to benefit from it if we can't reproduce it?
mentally dangerous I guess. Your beliefs make people ignorant, arrogant and bigoted. You always seek conflict and create separation amongst people while doing so, and you agree that being a douchebag is necessary for the purpose of your beliefs because you are so convinced its the best belief.What is dangerous about a systematic way of carefully and thoroughly observing nature while using consistent logic to evaluate the results?
The 'best belief' mentality is yours, not ours. I've never seen any skeptic here attack a belief because there's is 'better'. A belief either has truth value or it doesn't, to judge one as best is subjective. Pointing out that a belief has no demonstrable truth value is simply reporting observation. Having an open mind means you don’t dismiss claims to truth out of hand. You analyze first. When you analyze a claim, you consider all the relevant evidence and examine all the logic involved, in a fair and unbiased manner, then grant tentative acceptance or rejection. If new arguments or new evidence come up, then you revise your opinion. Being open means that you apply this standard fairly to all claims. Being open-minded does not mean believing every claim, that’s being gullible, not open.mentally dangerous I guess. Your beliefs make people ignorant, arrogant and bigoted. You always seek conflict and create separation amongst people while doing so, and you agree that being a douchebag is necessary for the purpose of your beliefs because you are so convinced its the best belief. a person, or as a force? Think 2, 3, 4 thousand years ago, how would you attempt to convey abstract ideas to people?I can absolutely say with a high level of confidence that any god portrayed in any organized religion probably doesn't exist.
What about, it's just bunk? Something you heard and they want you to believe?A Sensative is a person with latent "psychic power." I have no idea if it's a force we don't know about or a part of you from another life passed on through heredity. You can experience things others can't.Like feel a place is hot or cold when others don't
I told the guys in jail, I was going to meditate my way out of here. That was so they would leave me along and let me practice. Then they could say, "You are still here!!!" And I would say, "Damn, it didn't work yet, did it?" "Oh well, need more practice." It sort of morphed to, "Leave him be. He's trying to get out, yuck, yuck!!""I can fly, just like Superman (although not as fast lets be realistic). I can take off from a standing start and simply defy gravity by lifting off into the air. I can then soar through the air with perfect control and land gently on the ground at will.
You might ask how I can perform this amazing feat. Well, I dont know how it works. I just know that I can do it. To those skeptics out there who say that this is impossible, I ask them to have an open mind. After all, science does not know everything. Look at Galileo, or that guy who claimed that ulcers were caused by bacteria. You cannot prove that human flight is impossible. What about quantum mechanics?
The inability to explain how something works does not mean that it does not work. I think personal flying comes from the ability to harmonize the intentionality wave function with the quantum gravity field.
In any case, I suppose you want some actual evidence. Well heres the thing. When other people are looking I get nervous and that short-circuits my flying ability. So I can only fly when not being observed, or filmed in any way. But I have the experience of flying, and you cant argue with that. I think I would know if I were flying through the air or not.
Skeptics who refuse to accept this evidence are just negative people who kill the human spirit. They would have been there with those priests throwing Galileo in prison for looking through a telescope and challenging their dogma. Some of them are clearly on the take, also. Thats the only explanation for their opinions. I think most of them work for Big Airline and want to keep the truth of personal flying from the public to protect the profits of the airline industry.
Heres the best part; anyone can fly. Personal flying is an innate ability we all have, it just needs to be set free. You have to first unburden yourself of any doubt or critical thinking.
Remember if you keep an open mind, there is no telling what might find its way in there. Happy flying.
-- Steven Novella
I ignored it because you show no more evidence than I do therefore it's a mutual debate therefore not worth my time. What's even more astounding is that you claim to be an educator and are telling me I would have a hard time passing your class without giving me any test materials relative to the course? You're a joke as an educator if you are one. You fail my test of thickness and you can take my 78.6 Average and shove it! You fail to realize that i well establish evolution as a whole thoery but it still has not shown evidence for the outcome of development of many complex genes exclusive to humans. It fails to explain why we evolved to what we are today, it merely suggests its possible to happen naturally. Only at the point that we can read our entire genome like a book along with the junk DNA can we truly come upon the conclusion that we have evolved 100% naturally.So ganja man, I guess you decided to ignore the post demonstrating your woefully inadequate understanding of evolution and science? Good luck with that genetic engineering degree.