Are autos impervious to frequent random light changes?

I grow auto's with indoor sunshine (about 6 hours a day max)...less and less as fall approaches

I don't worry about a schedule, as that's the beauty of auto's, they can handle any light schedule you give them


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I grow auto's with indoor sunshine (about 6 hours a day max)...less and less as fall approaches

I don't worry about a schedule, as that's the beauty of auto's, they can handle any light schedule you give them
So those plants live in that room 24/7, and receive direct (sun)light for part of the day, and normal house lights going on and off throughout the evening? If that's the situation, then that's exactly what I'm wondering about.
So those plants live in that room 24/7, and receive direct (sun)light for part of the day, and normal house lights going on and off throughout the evening? If that's the situation, then that's exactly what I'm wondering about.
correct....they will do just fine with your normal house lights
Auto's are strong plants, they handle shit like a boss, Auto's are like 2 stroke engines, we need too go back in time when all cars were 2 strokes, photo period plants are like 4 strokes, most people think their the best but their not, im high as a giraffe pussy right now, all seriousness auto's grow under any light cycle, 20\4 is best.
That's a trip, so that means growing autos like that is more expensive than photos, correct?

Why would you grow autos under 24 hours of light, when you could grow a photo and spend less on electricity?

These are just questions out of Curiousity. I don't grow autos and am just wondering why so many do. I know a lot of people grow them for tight spaces/grow areas, but 24hrs of light is a trip. I've never heard that
They don't need 24 hour light and do the best around 18 hours of light.

People that grow photos normally have a veg and flower tent or rooms. With autos you only need one room. Easy to setup a one room perpetual.

There is a wider range of cannabinoids in autos. They are quit potent now in the 20% range.

It can be slightly more costly to grow but not much, depending on setup.

I've grown photos from a lot of well known breeders and still like autos every once in a while.

I'm totally new to autos, have my first seeds which are still in the drawer waiting for this summer's outdoor grow.

I have an idea... but the short story/question is: If I grew an auto out in the open in my living room, and had it under a grow light 12 hours a day, would the normal room lights going on and off in the room as people come and go (often during what would be the 'dark period') negatively effect an auto in any way?
They are not completely impervious to light changes. Spectrum and intensity changes can stress them and I've had autos herm before.
I hope everyone is really stoned!
I thought this was in the rules for forum use. Lol. And wouldnt it make more sense to grow something with ruderalis under very intense light for optimum conditions? Thats how summers work closer to the poles. Longer daylight and more intense rays but the season is shorter.
summer is indeed longer the closer to the poles you come, but because the sun doesn't exactly stand "high" in the sky its light isn't so strong than towards the aequatorial regions or the original habitate.
For my first time, I grew my bubblegum auto on a 12/12 cycle from start to finish with no issues or problems. I'm assuming it depends on the strain.


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I only have one room alveot small, right now for intance i have an auto going while i mainline my main photo plant and take clones then once the auto is finished i flip the photo and its clones into flower, and start the cycle over again

This way i can have some smoke while i wait for the photos to grow, so far i have had some pretty awesome genetics from these autos
I grow auto's with indoor sunshine (about 6 hours a day max)...less and less as fall approaches

I don't worry about a schedule, as that's the beauty of auto's, they can handle any light schedule you give them
So those plants live in that room 24/7, and receive direct (sun)light for part of the day, and normal house lights going on and off throughout the evening? If that's the situation, then that's exactly what I'm wondering about.
correct....they will do just fine with your normal house lights
Just curious, it's 3+ years later, do you still agree with the statement you made before? Are you still growing 'out in the open', and has it still not caused any issues?

I'm not doing the idea that I based this thread on back in 2017 (aquaponics and all), but I am doing a seed grow out on a table under COB lights that are on 12 hours a day. Beyond that direct light, house lights go on and off during the evening in that room to varying degrees. So far so good (other than growing very slowly due I suspect to cool nights and low humidity), but they are still young.

side note... I forgot all about this thread, did a Google search for "autoflowering cannabis and random light schedule" and my own thread from 3 years earlier came up in the search results! LOL
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Autos cost more to grow then photos, bulb life, electricity, and money wise. (unless you 12/12 from seed)

I know this is an old post. But that statement right there is complete rubbish.

In order to keep a constant supply of photos I have to run two tents. One for flowering and one for vegging. A second tent costs money. Two tents, two sets of lights, two sets of fans, more pots, more nutes, more growing medium and more electricity.

I have just started experimenting with Autos and TBH I wish I had tried sooner. They are cheaper and easier to deal with.
Just curious, it's 3+ years later, do you still agree with the statement you made before? Are you still growing 'out in the open', and has it still not caused any issues?

I'm not doing the idea that I based this thread on back in 2017 (aquaponics and all), but I am doing a seed grow out on a table under COB lights that are on 12 hours a day. Beyond that direct light, house lights go on and off during the evening in that room to varying degrees. So far so good (other than growing very slowly due I suspect to cool nights and low humidity), but they are still young.

side note... I forgot all about this thread, did a Google search for "autoflowering cannabis and random light schedule" and my own thread from 3 years earlier came up in the search results! LOL
Yes, if fact I did another indoor sunshine grow this summer and the results were my best ever

....if you are interested, there is a link on my signature called "My Past Grow" will link you to the grow

Yes, if fact I did another indoor sunshine grow this summer and the results were my best ever

....if you are interested, there is a link on my signature called "My Past Grow" will link you to the grow

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Thanks for the update, and looks like some beautiful plants. :)

Nice grow history, thanks for sharing that.
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