Are Auto's worth it these days.

If your going to come at it from that angle I completely understand, but some of us(most) are just interested in getting really good smoke in as short a time as possible, &uck genetics. Most growers are not interested in pure genetics, they just want to get stoned, it may not be the way forward for the industry as a whole but for hobbyist home growers it's an easy choice in my opinion
I get it. I don't bash on autos at all. It's all about your end goal. There is an elegant simplicity with putting a seed in your final container, adding water, and getting decent smoke in 90 days that makes autos attractive.
I get jealous of photo guys, cos I'm not able to run a cloning setup, they get such consistent crops time after time. But then again I have never had under 1.4 in a 4x4 with autos. Expensive but cheap.
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The Memphisto era:
Along came the auto flowers produced by mephisto genetics based out of Spain. These autos flower were some of the best smoking plants available at the time. Commercial offering took a huge blow because many growers, especially new ones, were turning to the potent autos that produces enough yields to satisfy any home growers needs.
If you dig deep enough, you will find that many growers, quit growing photo and exclusively grew autos. I too was one of those growers. I grew, train wreck, sour diesel, purple kush, skywalker, tangie and everything else that people where raging about. However I found most of them to be ineffective. Maybe it was something that I was doing wrong. Maybe I wasn’t letting them go long enough. I don’t know because the high those photos produce wasn’t cutting it for me. And many other growers who also switched to auto.
Although the autos made great Headstash, unfortunately, they weren’t able to produce enough product for anything besides personal needs at the time. Thus the reason breeders started to work with them so that they produced more. Like I said earlier, that’s when arrival of the 90-120 auto began with some plants going even longer.
It was obvious commercial breeders had decided I take advantage of mephisto’s hard work by adding the genetics to most commercial strains which cause the appearance of faster, and more potent commercial photos.
You often hear that autos and photos smoke on the same level now. And why wouldn’t they they are composed of the same genetics.
Soon it became rather obvious that mephisto’s also had to conform because bigger yielding, just as powerful photos were now running the cannabis market.
By adding the commercial plants, memphisto Potency, diminished, and so did the grow times. The modern mephisto plants are nowhere as good as the original offerings because of the addition of commercial strains.
These combination plants are the autos that most are smoking today. A combination of the modern commercial hybrid x the original mephisto genetics. I’m not bashing commercialism. I’m just stating the facts about plants that are being produced today. All that registered of particular genetics is a mute point because they are all made up of most of the. Same plants.
I also understand why landrace guys try to preserve unadulterated lines. Unfortunately none crossed plants are few and far in between.
To further reiterate my point. I was giving seeds of a plant that was though to be a pure landrace. I was suspicious when several plants displayed broader leads than others. We all know what that mean. However the plants still grew big and tall lake the South American landrace. After I cross a indica auto the land race, the only pants produced not only had broader leaves, they also veg much quicker and had faster root growth. Automatically<< pun, I knew that the results were because the plant already had indica genetics. That’s because there is no way a plant can go from being a stick to a bushy shrub in one breeding.
When it comes to cannabis, you have to know what you are getting into. You do that by breeding the plant out and not by believing every cockamamie story posted on the internet about a plants heritage. It all smokes. Peace bros.
I don't doubt what you're saying, but lowryder isn't in everything. At least not the breeders I follow. It's also very subjective. NLD types get me higher, and I enjoy the high more. I know I'm not alone. There's not many NLD autos out there. Ace probably has the most. But NLD autos is kinda an oxymoron right? Breeding away from the long flowering times is not what you want when you're specifically hunting down long flowering sativas.
@MtRainDog In most cases I understand where people are coming from. I don’t have any problems with landraces , cookies or anyone else’s offerings. That’s because I’m well aware that we all enjoy our smoke differently.
I know some guys who prefer to be drooling on the couch for days at at time.
Then those who like to game day in or out.
Some guys need steady hand and a focused
Mind to do intricate lab work.
Or perhaps they are bedridden with a debilitating autoimmune disease and need something to find peace in it all.
It don’t matter what the occasion is, there is a cannabis that can do the job.
You just have to choose the right one because you don’t want to be skydiving naked out an aero plane and forget to pack your chute.
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You still got 3 weeks to go mate.

Maybe. At the rate it’s maturing I wouldn’t doubt it’s done around day 70. From not 1 brown hair to 70-80% coverage in 8 days is rapid, even by auto flower standards.

Even if it does go another 3 weeks. That’s under 11 from seed. Also 70 days is 9 full weeks and the start of the 10th ;)
Day 74, the girls are starting to fade and the Mendocino Cosmo is done with a nice color to it. Thanks to Budz, this run has been smooth! Much appreciate.


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I usually start my autos for my indoor sunshine grows in mid-April but this year the weather has been dreadful so I may have to wait a bit longer.

I use auto's because I can harvest by August...... photos take until October to which the weather can be a bit of a gamble up here in Canada.

Anyhow, these were my very best autos, grown hempy style in 2 litre pop bottles

screenshots of I ic mag post about autos and thr polyploidy work that’s done with them. The post shows that someone thought they are very work it, or they would not have been pouring so much time and resources into them. The dates says that was almost 10 years ago when the guys were working on projects such as these. Upon reading more of the post, I saw that some seeds from this work was freely offered to guy who showed interest in them.
I also saw where guys said it was a load of … “ you know”. However, none of that matters to me because there is no way trying to sort this work out, or taking any of it back.
The only thing to do to avoid it, is to look for sign of its existence in progeny. Which is hard to do because distinguishing genetics anomalies from genetics inheritance will take substantial (expensive) lab work.
Besides that, who know where to begin because of the rarity of genetics that haven’t be tampered with by efforts of man.
Here is a thought, what can a guy do in a few breedings that nature hasn’t already done in the millions of years of vegetation on this planet. Nothing.
I say that because if anything detrimental already exists in the genetics, the species would not have survived for so long. However poor breeding practices will cause poorly performing traits to reappear.
The offerings of a breeder who understand nature as a whole will be quite different than the offerings of breeder who solely concentrate on one element of nature. Jmo
Any who here is 2014 plant 3 bladed fans. Pics is just for references.
Newer 2023 3 blade offerings after a breeder had devoting some time and effort into it.
IMO, this is what plant breeding is all about, not only making a change, but also producing a plants that excels in multiple categories. Unfortunately most breeders only concentrate on a the main marketable categories. Which also shows up on their work.
Therefore, rather the offering is photo, or auto, it’s the thought behind the breedings that matters the most.
Of course there are plenty of those who pick up “Breeders lingo”, mannerisms, and techniques from the net, however it’s not very hard to see who is doing real thing, versus those who are….n’t.
Lack of progress definitely shows when a breeder doesn’t put much thought in his offering.
That same lack of progress will trickle down into the grow community. Which also shows when a grower doesn’t put much thought into his purchases.
We all know those guys what purchase(free) seed packs from someone other than the original breeder, than flood the web with post of bad genetics about the strain(offering). My thought is he got what he paid for when deciding to go with a knock off.
On ig I saw a big boys making some negative comments about another breeder. Assumingly it was about the dark plant in the above pic. Guy showed class and answered back by posting more pics of plants that were just as pretty.
What I’m getting at, that breeders big and small will knock other breeders hustle. The dude that was tripping went on to say the guys plant don’t produce what they are supposed to.
This next pic is to show the thought put into breedings.
I got ice cream in 2 seeds. And why wouldn’t i since I purchased a heavy ice cream breeding.
Even when that ice cream was crossed to a poly breeding, the offering still produced ice cream.
This guy is definitely showing that he smart breeder by offering diversity into his creation a creation that produced one of the nicest vanilla ice cream tasting smoke I have ever had. I very well knew why the other dude was tripping because his offerings, although having some nice terps, the taste was lifeless. Jmo.
Any way the free pack, the icc bx, shows just how much thought the breeder puts into his creation. I don’t have to say why because we are all breeders here.
The comments that guys make, say a lot about their experiences. Then I Look at what they are growing. And how they crossed it. I usually keep my thoughts to myself about it because what someone else is doing, don’t have anything to do with me.
This post is to show one of the reasons that I personally choose a particular breeder over another.
That’s because I prefer a breeder who is moving toward the future, instead of a breeder that is arguing about the past… making it blatantly obvious that he isn’t going anywhere. Peace brothers. Do your own thing, auto or photo.
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I have found massive leaf spotting in the autos I got from seed stockers. The seeds I got from sag didn't have the same issue. Genetics matters in auto's. Same as any seeds. You can still get monster auto's.