Are Biobizz ferts holding me back???


Active Member
Im on my 6th grow and would like some advice. Thanks to all who have helped me in the past to get to the stage Im at now! Im pretty confident at last that I know what Im doing but there are so many experts here that know so much more..!!

Im growing indoors using the following:

750mmX750mmX2000mm Budbox
400W HID with Flexiwing refelctor
Active outlet with Ruck fan and Rhino filter
Passive inlets (open flaps at bottom of box)
2 X 12" Oscilating fans at mid level and top level of plants
Soil mix is 60% peat, 20% Perlite & 20% Vermiculite
Ferts Biobizz Grow & Bloom. I also add some Molasses once a week during flowering (week 3 - week). I used to also use Biobizz Topmax but have since read that its not worth using.

This is my Biobizz feeding schedule:

Day 1 (W1) Transplanted to 12” pots. Soak soil, water only (3l).
Day 3 Increase to 2ml grow, .5 bloom,

Day 7 (W2) Increase to 2ml grow, 1 bloom & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 14 (W3) Increase to 2ml grow, 1.5ml bloom, 1 top & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 16 Increase to 3ml grow, 2 bloom,

Day 21 (W4) Epsom slats
Day 23 Increase to 3ml grow, 2 bloom,

Day 28 (W5) Increase to 3ml grow, 3 bloom & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 35 (W6) Increase to 3ml grow, 3 bloom & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 42 (W7) Increase to 3ml grow, 4 bloom & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 49 (W8) Continue 3ml grow, 4 bloom & 1 tablespoon molasses
Day 56 (W9) Continue 3ml grow, 4 bloom

Day 63 (W10) Last feed Water only for 2 weeks

I grow my seedlings from feminised seeds using peat pots (with holes in the bottom) under 24 hour 125W CFL for about 3 weeks. Then I move to veg under 400W HID. I then put peat pots directly into 7" pots and veg for 2-3 weeks. My problems start after I move to flowering and switch to 12/12. Within 1-2 weeks of moving to flowering my plants show signs of being root bound with roots bursting out of the bottom of my plants and have to transplant into 12" pots. On average, Im getting about 1.5 ounces of cured weed per plant which im pretty happy with. However, I do have 2 questions for those who know better!!

1/ How can I keep my plants healthy in smaller pots?? I see loads of guys on here with plants just like mine (height, width and yield) but they seem to have stayed in much smaller pots. I have tried moving to grow after onlly 10 days veg but still ran into problems even though the plants seemed much smaller and only resolved the problem by transplanting!

2/ Are Biobizz ferts any good?? I am considering trying Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur as my local supplier is telling me they are the best ferts around. They also seem to the most expensive but i dont mind if they are going to give better results. Should I just stick with what I know or is it worth moving to chemical ferts?
I like the idea of organic but I would also like to maximise my yield. Any advice would be gratefully received!!

Thanks in advance, Budireeeeeee..............


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21 views, no replies.... Is this posted in the wrong area or is my post too full of waffle??


Active Member
bio bizz bloom plus molasses? bio bizz is a kelp & molasses extract.. check the labels

plus, just because advance is the most exspensive doesnt make them the best nutes


I started with bio bizz back in the day and found I got good results, Im surprised your only getting 1.5 ounces a plant, it should be more like 12-15 ounces per square meters of dry cured herb, Im using canna at the moment and have jack the ripper on the go and I totally expect to hit 5 ounces a plant...Im amazed to see how many people only get ones and twos, absolutly mental..


Well-Known Member
I use Bio-Biz All-mix, and their grow and bloom with canna PK 13/14. Molaces twice 3rd and 6th week of flowering and get the best results ive ever grew!015.JPG 143.JPG014.JPG The second pic is from when it was ready to smoke up!


Well-Known Member
P.S I was also going to change to Advanced with some of the stuff ive read and been told, (from renders), but i think its real complecated to my norm!


Active Member
thanks for all the suggestions, every little helps.... And yeah, 1.5 dried per plant isnt great but I seem to have reached a limit and I reckon its the ferts Im using. yields remain around the same no matter what time of year as its an indoor grow. Tommo, what soil mix and which canna ferts are you using exactly??? Is Jack the Ripper Sativa or indica? I think ill stick with indicas for now as they I can keep them low (around 4 feet) and bushy. sativas go mad on me I end up having to lst and/or top.


Active Member
is that 4 under a 400w light? that may be too many some would say. genetics could have a lot to do with it, "some companys" seem to have weaker genetics than others. 6 weeks of veg may not be enough for the strain