I'll take this for 400, AlexIs the person who asked this question literate?
gunna go with a "no" dawg
I like white russians.I'd say Russia is #1 in "crime infested whites" and their population is declining.
I like white russians.
You're gonna get faaaat
People are getting emotional, please calm yourselves down
People are getting emotional, please calm yourselves down
Please take a nap and let the meth wear off, you are too agitated and emotional right nowThis is the comment that angry immature guy uses right before his 18 hour tantrum.
Mighty White?UB, You're on the fence on this one only because you love having those White pickets stuck up your ass.. On the fence only because you plan it that way....
You must do these trolling trips with a plan.. Or do you just wake up knowing which culture pot you'll try to stir today??